American Mathematics Educator Study

 Male math teacher leads sixth-grade class.

Photo by Allison Shelley for EDUimages/CC BY-NC 4.0

U.S. public school students have long had uneven access to high-quality mathematics learning opportunities. For example, some students have access to more advanced mathematics courses in middle and high school that are unavailable to other students. Many students also do not get the interventions and support they need when they struggle with the content in their mathematics classes. To make matters more complicated, teachers do not always have access to the instructional materials and professional development they need to help students learn mathematics.

RAND’s American Mathematics Educator Study (AMES) is investigating students’ access to high-quality mathematics teaching and learning from elementary through high school and pathways to college and career. AMES particularly focuses on mathematics teaching and learning opportunities for Black, Hispanic, and low-income students. AMES is administered through the RAND American Teacher Panel and American School Leader Panel, and it is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

AMES Research

See full project staff list

More About AMES

AMES was motivated by research that consistently documents inequitable mathematics learning opportunities and outcomes for Black, Hispanic, and low-income students. The goals of AMES are to:

  1. provide the field with data from teachers and principals on equity of access to high-quality mathematics instruction and college/career readiness supports;
  2. partner with organizations to improve dissemination and use of AMES data and findings; and
  3. share data broadly to encourage research and inform decisionmaking.

AMES administers nationally representative surveys to K–12 principals and math teachers yearly from 2023 through 2027. In addition to collecting nationally representative data, AMES also collects state representative data from teachers and principals in the states of California, Florida, New York, and Texas, as well as high school principals in Texas and the state of Washington. AMES will supplement the surveys with in-depth interviews with teachers and principals and more-detailed surveys to teachers about their instructional practices.

AMES is collecting data on the following topics:

  • Student mathematics experience and mindset/identity
  • Instruction/instructional resources
  • Professional learning and development
  • Teacher preparation
  • School leadership and school culture and norms
  • Data informed improvement
  • School-community collaboration
  • Student access and opportunity
  • Teachers/Teachers workforce
  • College and career pathways (high school principals only)

Explore AMES Data

We will make data available via Bento and the AEP Data Portal when the first report is published. Please check back for more information soon.

Bento is a free online data visualization tool, which allows users to filter and segment survey results by school characteristics or educator background, compare data to state and national averages, and export visualizations for reports. To register for a free account to use Bento, go to:

We house much of our survey data on the AEP Data Portal, in addition to data from other RAND studies including American Instructional Resources Study (AIRS).

Learn more about accessing AEP data