Tools and Resources to Help with Deterring Attacks

These tools and training materials can help discourage attacks and increase awareness and reporting. The items listed in this section include materials on discouraging attacks and increasing reporting, training, and general knowledge on the threat and counter-threat strategies.

Discouraging Attacks and Increasing Reporting

Details on warning signs and threat assessments are in the following sections:

  • The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (DHS's) "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign is one way to reach communities and make them aware of threats. It has materials that agencies can request to use with their communities to encourage reporting (DHS, updated February 2, 2022).
  • Threat (or Terrorism) Liaison Officers (TLOs) can be a great resource for community outreach. They are trained in awareness and can spread information through the community. The Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC) maintains a web resource on TLOs (JRIC, undated).
  • The Ready Houston "Make the Call" program provides public promotion materials to increase awareness (Ready Houston, undated).
  • The Don't Name Them Campaign provides information and resources on not making mass shooters famous and, therefore, not encouraging copycat attacks (ALERRT, undated).
  • The FBI's Active Shooter Resources portal provides a variety of resources and study reports, including studies on active shootings and pre-attack behaviors since 2000 (FBI, undated a).


General Knowledge of the Threat and Strategies to Combat It

Knowledge of the Threat: General

Knowledge of the Threat: Education

Strategies and Best Practices: General

Strategies and Best Practices: Education

Strategies and Practices: Infrastructure and Private Industry

Strategies and Practices: Law Enforcement Intelligence and Information-Sharing

Example Mass Attack After-Action Reports

Next Page in the Prevent Phase

Initial Detection