Peter Whitehead is a senior engineer at RAND and Professor of Policy Analysis, Pardee RAND Graduate School, specializing in systems engineering, engineering management, operations research, digital engineering, and electrical engineering, and a professor of policy analysis at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. Other interests and experience include: artificial intelligence, decision analytics, risk analysis, force resilience, rules of engagement, ethics, insider threat analysis, enterprise systems aka: system of systems, military & commercial space, wargaming, and simulation.


Ph.D. in systems engineering, University of Virginia; ME in electrical engineering, University of Virginia; ME in systems engineering, University of Virginia; B.S. in physics & math, Washington & Lee; B.A. in French, Washington & Lee



Selected Work

  • Whitehead, N. Peter, Thomas Light, Adrian Luna, and Jim Mignano, A Framework for Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Digital Engineering: A Systems Approach, RAND Corporation (RR-A2418-1), 2024
  • N. Peter Whitehead, Li Ang Zhang, James Ryseff, Christy Foran, Timothy Parker, Billy R. Huffman, Michelle D. Ziegler, Adrian Luna, John Lee, Minimum Viable Product Pathways: Capability at the Speed of War (DRR-A2151-1) (forthcoming)
  • Dimarogonas, James | Loredo, Elvira N. | Stanley, Karlyn D. | Willcox, Jordan | Whitehead, N. Peter | Lee, Mary | Camargo, Alejandro Vigo | Manske, Chad T., Securing Supply Chains from Adversaries Identifying and Managing Supply Chain Risk to MDO Systems (DRR-A2050-1) (forthcoming)

Authored by N. Peter Whitehead

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