Alejandra Lopez

Alejandra Lopez

Ph.D. Student, Pardee RAND Graduate School, and Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND

Alejandra Lopez is a Ph.D. student in the Community-Partnered Policy and Action stream at Pardee RAND Graduate School and an assistant policy analyst at RAND. She has an M.S. in mathematics from Purdue University, a B.S. in mathematics from Arizona State University, and an A.S. from Mesa Community College.

Her work at RAND is inspired by her former status as a DACA student and she focuses on immigration, sanctuary cities, transnational cooperations, and urban governance. Prior to joining Pardee RAND, she was a Purdue Doctoral Fellow where she conducted research in theoretical and applied mathematics. She has worked on projects in quantum metric spaces and matrix convex sets. She has worked with the American Institute of Mathematics and the Climate Research Network to create a mathematical model to analyze pathogen mutation and seasonal forcing in zoonotic spillover. Additionally, she worked with the Mathematical and Theoretical Biological Institute while at Arizona State University to model the economics of prison by studying the dynamics of recidivism.


M.S. in mathematics, Purdue University; B.S. in mathematics, Arizona State University


Spanish; English

Selected Work

  • Laura E.R. Peters, Aaron Clark-Ginsberg, Bernard McCaul, Gabriela Cáceres, Ana Luisa Nuñez, Jay Balagna, Alejandra Lopez, Sonny Patel, Ronak B. Patel, Jamon Van Den Hoek, "Informality, Violence, and Disaster Risks: Coproducing Inclusive Early Warning and Response Systems in Urban Informal Settlements in Honduras," Frontiers in Climate, Climate Services Section, 2022
  • Konrad Aguilar, Samantha Brooker, Frédéric Latrémolière, and Alejandra López, "An Ideal Convergence ," American Mathematical Notices, 2021
  • Konrad Aguilar, Alejandra Lopez, "A quantum metric on the Cantor Space," Involve, A Journal of Mathematics (forthcoming)

Authored by Alejandra Lopez

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