RAND Authors by Last Name: L
A guide to RAND authors, who provide objective, quality research on a variety of topics in the public and private sector. Authors whose last names start with 'L' are listed here.
- La Parra, Daniel
- Labiner, K. H.
- Labonte, Alison Raab
- Labor, Renee
- LaBorde, Anne P.
- Labott, Elise
- Labree, Laurie
- LaBrie, Joseph W.
- Labriola, Melissa M.
- Labrique, Alain
- Labrum, N.
- Labrune, Francis
- Lacaille, Diane
- LaCalle, Juan Ramon
- LaCasse, Jean L.
- LaCasse, Mark
- Lachance, Laurie L.
- Lachman, Beth E.
- Lachow, Irving
- Lackey, Arthur W
- Lackman, L. M.
- LaClair, Michelle
- LaCoste, Christine Kistler
- LaCroix, Andrea Z.
- Lacroix, Frank W.
- Lacy, James L.
- Lacy, T. Austin
- Lacy, W.
- Ladapo, Joseph A.
- Ladas, Elena J.
- Ladd, Heather
- Ladetto, Quentin
- Ladin, Eugene
- Laffaye, Charlene
- Laffel, Glenn
- LaForce, Salimah
- LaFree, Gary
- Laga, Marie
- Lagakos, Stephen W.
- Lagarde, Mylene
- Lagisetty, Pooja A.
- Lagnese, Keith
- Lagomasino, Isabel
- Lagu, Tara
- Laha, Joya
- Lahav, Dan
- Lahti, Michel
- Lai, Clara S.
- Lai, Deborah
- Lai, Hing Hung
- Lai, Jin-shei
- Lai, Julie
- Lai, Wen Pin
- Laibson, David
- Laibson, Peter R.
- Laine, Andrew
- Laing, Brian Yoshio
- Laipson, Ellen
- Laird, Burgess
- Laird, James
- Laird, Nan M.
- Laitin, Howard
- Laje, Gonzalo
- Lakdawalla, Darius N.
- Lake, Eillen T.
- Lake, Jordan
- Lake, Robin J.
- Lakoma, Matthew D.
- Lakoski, Joan M.
- Lal, Rollie
- Lally, Edward V.
- Lally, Kevin P.
- Lalwani, Sameer
- Lam, Christine A.
- Lam, David
- Lam, H. C.
- Lam, Hwai-Tai C.
- Lam, Julie A.
- Lam, Leo K.
- Lam, Nguyen
- Lam, Trung
- Lamar, Bruce William
- Lamar, D. L.
- Lamar, Jeannine V.
- Lamarand, Kara
- Lamb, Christopher J.
- Lamb, Jonathan
- Lamb, Richard J.
- Lamb, Sheila
- Lamb, V. R.
- Lambe, Susan
- Lambeth, Benjamin S.
- Lambie, Laura
- Lamichhane, Archana P.
- Lammers, John
- Lamont, Andrea
- Lamont, Elizabeth B.
- Lamonte, Michael J.
- Lamp, Karen
- Lampard, Colin
- Lampert, Rachel
- Lancaster, Debra
- Lancaster, Elizabeth M.
- Lance, Susan
- Lanczos, Adrienn
- Land, Kenneth C.
- Land, Thomas
- Landa, Suzanne
- Landay, Alan
- Landefeld, C. Seth
- Lander, Natasha
- Landers, Stewart
- Landes, Shari
- Landgraf, Jeanne M.
- Landgraf III, Walter F.
- Landgren, Rachel
- Landi, Dale M.
- Landi, Maria Teresa
- Landis, J. Richard
- Landis, Rachel
- Landman, Adam B.
- Landon, Bruce E.
- Landon, Chris
- Landovitz, R. J.
- Landow, Wendy J.
- Landree, Eric
- Landrigan, Christopher
- Landrine, Hope
- Landrum, Mary Beth
- Landrum-McNiff, Kristin
- Landry, Craig M.
- Landsman, Pamela B.
- Landsverk, John
- Lane, Dorothy
- Lane, Jodi
- Lane, Kathryn
- Lane, Marian E.
- Lane, Matthew
- Lane, Michael
- Laney, James
- Lanfredi, Giulia
- Lang, Ariel J.
- Lang, Cathy M.
- Lang, H. A.
- Lang, Lance
- Lang, Martha E.
- Lang, Thomas
- Langa, Kenneth M.
- Langa, Wandile
- Lange, Ethan M.
- Lange, James
- Lange, Jane
- Lange, Leslie A.
- Lange, Linda
- Langeland, Krista
- Langer, Michelle M.
- Langer, Paul Fritz
- Langerak, A.
- Langevin, Helene M.
- Langford, Lucie
- Langley, Audra K.
- Langley, John
- Langley, Paul C.
- Langston, Christopher
- Langton, Lynn
- Laniear, A. Lee
- Lanius, Vivian
- Lanjouw, Peter
- Lanken, Paul N.
- Lankhuizen, Maureen
- Lanman, Jonathan A.
- Lanna, Serafina
- Lansdorp-Vogelaar, Iris
- Lansdowne, Zachary F.
- Lanteaume, Sylvie
- Lanto, Andrew B.
- Lantz, Paula M.
- Lao, Lixing
- Laouri, Marianne
- Lapane, Kate L.
- Lapham, Sandra
- Lapin, Pauline
- Laplante, William A.
- Lappegard, Trude
- Lapuerta, Pablo
- Lara, Ignacio A.
- Lara, Marielena
- Lara, Rosa
- Lara-Cinisomo, Sandraluz
- Laradji, Murad
- Larco, Nico
- Larequi-Lauber, Tania
- Large, Joseph P.
- Largesse, Cara L.
- Larimer, Mary E.
- Larivière, Vincent
- Larkey, Linda
- Larkin, Jody
- Larkin, Sabrina
- Larmour, Simon
- Larned, Robert
- LaRochelle, Marc R.
- Larrabee, F. Stephen
- Larrimore, Jeff
- Larsen, Eric
- Larsen, Robert
- Larson, Anne
- Larson, Carrie
- Larson, Celia
- Larson, Christopher
- Larson, Elaine L.
- Larson, Eric B.
- Larson, Eric V.
- Larson, Judith
- Larson, Kandyce
- Larson, Kristina
- Larson, Richard C.
- Larson-Rotter, Carrie
- Lasakova, Anna
- Lasalle, J. P.
- Lascurettes, Kyle
- Lashendock, Jack
- Lasker, Roz D.
- Laski, Kazimierz
- Lasser, Elyse C.
- Lasserre-Cortez, Shannon
- Lastunen, Jesse
- Latini, David M.
- Latkin, Carl
- LaTourrette, Tom
- Latter, Albert L.
- Latter, Richard
- Lattimer, Val
- Lattimore, Pamela K.
- Lau, Anna S.
- Lau, Christopher
- Lau, J.
- Lau, Jennifer YF
- Lau, Joseph
- Lau, Richard R.
- Laubach, Gerald D.
- Lauderdale, Katharine
- Lauen, Douglas Lee
- Lauer, Johanna R.
- Lauer, Ryan E.
- Laufer, J.
- Laugesen, Miriam
- Laughery, Scott P.
- Lauland, Andrew
- Laupa, Armas
- Laureijs, Rianne
- Laurin, Catherine
- Lauritsen, Janet L.
- Laurmann, J. A.
- LaVallee, R. S.
- LaValley, Judith Babcock
- Lave, Judith
- Lave, Lester B.
- Lavelle, Tara
- Laverson, Alan
- Lavertu, Stephane
- Lavery, Diana Catherine
- Lavicza, Zsolt
- Lavielle, Pilar
- Lavin, Marvin
- Lavin, Michelle
- Lavison, Jean-Francois de
- Lavizzo-Mourey, Risa J.
- Lavoie, Rémi
- Lavore, Elisa
- Lavy, Victor
- Law, Anandi
- Law, Andy
- Law, Grace Y.
- Law, Sally Ann
- Lawler, Lauren H.
- Lawless, Grant
- Lawless, M.
- Lawrence, Alison
- Lawrence, Anthony
- Lawrence, Daniel S.
- Lawrence, David McK
- Lawrence, Judy
- Lawrence, Kathryn
- Lawrence, Marilee
- Lawrence, Mary G.
- Lawrence, Rebecca Ann
- Lawrence, S. S.
- Lawrence, Sean Jamar
- Lawrence, William
- Laws, Edward R.
- Lawson, Andrew
- Lawson, Elise H.
- Lawson, Emily
- Lawson, James S.
- Lawson, Kevin L.
- Lawson, Victoria
- Lawson, William
- Lawyer, D. S.
- Layde, Peter
- Layne, Christopher
- Layne, Mary
- Layton, Katie
- Layton, Timothy
- Layzer, Carolyn
- Lazaro, Pablo
- Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix
- Le, Aline
- Le, Anh Tuan
- Le Blancq, Sylvie M.
- Le Brazidec, Danielle
- Le Floch, Kerstin Carlson
- Le Gargasson, Clara
- Le, Huynh-Nhu
- Le, Thuy X.
- Le, Vi-Nhuan
- Le Vine, D. M.
- Le, Yen-Chi L.
- Leach, Brandi
- Leach, Gary E.
- Leach, V.
- Leadmon, John
- Leah, Christine
- Leahy, Kathy
- Leake, Barbara
- Leal, Alexandre dos Santos
- Leamer, Edward E.
- Leamon, Isabel
- Leaning, Jennifer
- Leape, Lucian L.
- Learakos, Mike
- LeardMann, Cynthia A.
- Leatherman, Sheila
- Leatherwood, Cianna L.
- Leavey, Patrick J.
- Leavitt, Lewis A.
- LeBaron, C. W.
- Lebda, Doug
- LeBlanc, Brian
- LeBlanc, Jessica L.
- LeBoff, Meryl
- Lebovitz, R. M.
- Lebow, Cynthia C.
- Leboyer, Marion
- Lebret, Melusine
- Lebron, Dorthy
- Lechner, Alex M.
- Leckman-Westin, Emily
- Lecky, Fiona
- LeClercq, Sharon
- LeComte-Hinely, Jenna
- Lederer, Jr., D. A.
- Lederer, David J.
- Ledger, William
- Lee, Abbie
- Lee, Allen D.
- Lee, Barbara Sarnoff
- Lee, Ben
- Lee, Brian R.
- Lee, Bruce Y.
- Lee, C.
- Lee, Caitlin
- Lee, Carrie
- Lee, Casey
- Lee, Chong Sik
- Lee, Christine
- Lee, Christoph I.
- Lee, Chul-Joo
- Lee, Chulhee
- Lee, Chung Min
- Lee, Cynthia G.
- Lee, Dana
- Lee, Daniel
- Lee, Deanna
- Lee, Diane I.
- Lee, Donald L. P.
- Lee, Dong Hoon
- Lee, Edward Ark
- Lee, Emma
- Lee, Gia
- Lee, Gordon T.
- Lee, Grace M.
- Lee, Hang
- Lee, Hanjun
- Lee, Henry C.
- Lee, Jan L.
- Lee, Jason
- Lee, Jay S.
- Lee, Jeannette
- Lee, Jeffrey K.
- Lee, Jeff
- Lee, Jennifer
- Lee, Jessica Y.
- Lee, Ji Eun
- Lee, Ji-Young
- Lee, Jihey
- Lee, Jinkook
- Lee, Jinwoo
- Lee, John J.
- Lee, John
- Lee, Justin M.
- Lee, Justin W.
- Lee, Karen
- Lee, Kenneth T.H.
- Lee, Kimberly G.
- Lee, Laisze
- Lee, Martin L.
- Lee, Mary
- Lee, Matthew R.
- Lee, Minjung
- Lee, Patrick T.
- Lee, Paul
- Lee, Pey-Jiuan
- Lee, Philip
- Lee, Ronald
- Lee, Sabrina
- Lee, Sarita D.
- Lee, Seonglim
- Lee, Sharon Mengchee
- Lee, Shoou-Yih D.
- Lee, Sing
- Lee, Stephen
- Lee, Steven P.
- Lee, Sung-Woo
- Lee, Sungho
- Lee, Susie
- Lee, Tae Kyoung
- Lee, Timothy C.
- Lee, Tina T.
- Lee, Yema
- Lee, Yeonjin
- Lee, Yoon-Ho Alex
- Lee, Yoony
- Lee, Youngae
- Lee, Yue-Chune
- Lee-Gosselin, Martin
- Lee-Johnson, Charles
- Leech, Ashley A.
- Leed, Maren
- Leedom, Dennis
- Leeds, Daniel M.
- Leeds, Helen S.
- Leeds, S.
- Leek, James R.
- Leeman, Jennifer
- Leenders, Emma
- Leendertse, Jan J.
- Leer, J. W.
- Lees, Mark
- Leeser, Jenny
- Lefebvre, Pierre
- Leff, Bruce
- Lefkowitz, Doris
- Leftwich, James A.
- Leftwich, Lynne M.
- Legette-Sobers, Sharon
- Legge, J. Michael
- Leggett, Brett
- Leghorn, Richard S.
- Legido-Quigley, Helena
- Legro, Jeffrey
- Legvold, Robert
- Lehman, Amy
- Lehman, Anthony
- Lehman, Ronald F.
- Lehman, S. R.
- Lehmann, Christoph U.
- Lehmann, Lisa Soleymani
- Lehner, Bernhard
- Lehrman, William
- Lei, Xiaoyan
- Leibowitz, Arleen
- Leibowitz, Nora
- Leiby, Benjamin E.
- Leicester, Andrew
- Leichenko, Robin
- Leicht, Robert C.
- Leidy, Erin N.
- Leijonhufvud, Axel
- Leinen, S. H.
- Leinhardt, S.
- Leinhos, Mary R.
- Leininger, Julia
- Leininger, Thomas
- Leinweber, David
- Leipzig, Rosanne M.
- Leis, Roberta
- Leischow, Scott J.
- Leiter, Sharon
- Leites, Nathan Constantin
- Leitmeyer, Katrin C.
- Leitzell, Brigitt
- Lejeune, Julia
- Lelah, T.
- LeLevier, Robert
- LeMahieu, Rebekah
- Lemaster, Chelsey M.
- Lemaster, Philip
- Lemke, Klaus W.
- Lemmi, Valentina
- Lemp, George
- Lempa, Michele
- Lempert, Robert J.
- Lems, Willem F.
- Lenat, Douglas B.
- Lender, Judy
- Lenderking, William R.
- Lendon, Jessica Penn
- Lenert, Leslie A.
- Leng, Mei
- Leng, X.
- Lenhardt, Darryl
- Lenhart, Amanda
- Lenis, Andrew T.
- Lennon, Jean M.
- Lento, Rene M.
- Leonard, Anthony
- Leonard, Carol H.
- Leonard, Gabriel
- Leonard, Henry A.
- Leonard, Robert S.
- Leonard, William R.
- Leonardi, Michael J.
- Leone, Frank H.
- Leone, Liliana
- Leone, P
- Leone, Tiziana
- Leong, Rupert W.
- Leonhardt, P. L.
- Leopold, Beth
- Leopold, Brynn
- Leopold, Christine
- Leovy, Conway B.
- Lepetit, Louise
- Lepisto, Eva
- Leplege, Alain
- Lepper, Heidi S.
- Leppert, John T.
- Lerario, Michael
- Lerman, Caryn
- Lerman, Steven E.
- Lerner, Carlos F.
- Lerner, Debra
- Lesage, Alain
- Lesage, Daphne
- Lesch, A. M.
- Lesch, Julie K.
- Lescheid, David
- Leschitz, Jennifer T.
- Lesen, Amy E.
- Lesky, Linda
- Leslie, Douglas L.
- Leslie, Joanne
- Leslie, Laurel K.
- Lesnick, Gabriel
- Lesnock, Jamie L.
- Lesser, Ian O.
- Lesser, Jana
- Lesser, Lenard I.
- Lessler, Daniel
- Lesslie, Donald P.
- Lester, Genevieve
- Letona, Paola
- Leung, Felix W.
- Leung, Lucinda B.
- Leuschner, Kristin J.
- Leussink, Iris
- Lev, Izhar
- Levan, Deborah
- Levaux, Hugh P.
- Levcik, Frederich
- Levedahl, Alexis
- Levell, Peter
- Levenson, G. S.
- Levenson, James W.
- Leventhal, Adam M.
- Leventhal, Alex
- Leventhal, Meryl
- Leventhal, Tama
- Lever, Janet
- Leverett, Eireann
- Leverich, Brian
- Leveson, I.
- Levesque, Karen
- Levey, Andrew S.
- Levi, Amir
- Levi, Mike
- Levien, Roger Eli
- Levin, B.
- Levin, Daniel B.
- Levin, Eugene
- Levin, Henry M.
- Levin, Jonathan S.
- Levin, Morlie
- Levin, Norman D.
- Levin, Regina A.
- Levin, Theodore R.
- Levine, Arnold
- Levine, David I.
- Levine, John B.
- Levine, Morgan E.
- Levine, Peter
- Levine, Phoebe Rose
- Levine, Robert A.
- Levine, Roger E.
- Levine, Steven I.
- Levinson, Adam W.
- Levinson, Dorothy
- Levinson, E.
- Levinson, Matthew D.
- Levinson, Wendy
- Levinson, Zachary M.
- Levison, Julie H.
- Levitan, Barbara
- Levite, Ariel E.
- Leviton, Laura
- Levitt, Gerald
- Levitt, Naomi
- Levitt, Ruth
- Levitt, S
- Levy, Claire M.
- Levy, Daniel S.
- Levy, Deborah M.
- Levy, Dina G.
- Levy, F. S.
- Levy, Gerald D.
- Levy, Phil
- Levy, Sharon J.
- Levy, Shauna
- Lewallen, Patrick
- Lewer, Dan
- Lewis, Alain A.
- Lewis, Alastair C.
- Lewis, Andrew
- Lewis, Austin
- Lewis, Charles
- Lewis, Cora E.
- Lewis, David B.
- Lewis, Donald E.
- Lewis, Elizabeth
- Lewis, Gavin
- Lewis, Janet
- Lewis, Jeffrey
- Lewis, Jennifer Lamping
- Lewis, Joy
- Lewis, Kevin N.
- Lewis, Larry
- Lewis, Leslie
- Lewis, Lydia
- Lewis, Mary Ann
- Lewis, Matthew W.
- Lewis, Michael M.
- Lewis, Nancy
- Lewis, Peter
- Lewis, Richard
- Lewis, Rosalind
- Lewis, Ryan
- Lewis, Sarah E.
- Lewis, Terri
- Lewis, Valerie A.
- Lewis, William
- Lewison, Grant
- Lewit, Eugene
- Lewith, George
- Leyenaar, JoAnna K.
- Lhamon, D.
- Li, Angela
- Li, Chunyu
- Li, Dennis H.
- Li, Fan
- Li, Jennifer J.
- Li, Jie-Jia
- Li, Jui-Chung Allen
- Li, Ker-Chau
- Li, Man Sze
- Li, Ming-Dong
- Li, Ning
- Li, Rosemary
- Li, Rose
- Li, Shawn
- Li, Sheng Tao
- Li, Ting-Yi
- Li, Wenjun
- Li, Wenshu
- Li, Xiaoyan
- Li, Xin
- Li, Xueke
- Li, Yannan
- Li, Yu-Ping
- Li, Yue
- Li, Zhaoping
- Li, Zhen
- Li, Zhonghe
- Li, Zhongmin
- Liang, Li-Jung
- Liang, Matthew
- Liang, R.
- Liang, Rachel
- Liang, Zhu-Yuan
- Liao, Diana
- Liao, Duanping
- Libby, Anne
- Libby, Leona Marshall
- Libby, W. F.
- Liberati, Alessandro
- Liberati, Elisa
- Liberson, Gary
- Libicki, Martin C.
- Libretto, Salvatore
- Lich, Kristen Hassmiller
- Lichte, Kimberly J.
- Lichten, Catherine A.
- Lichtenstein, Benyamin
- Lichtenstein, Carolyn
- Lichtenstein, Richard
- Lichtenstein, S.
- Lichter, Dahlia S.
- Lichtveld, Maureen
- Lickel, Brian
- Licks, Sandra
- Liddicoat, Rebecca
- Liddle, Mark
- Liddon, Nicole C.
- Lidz, Victor
- Liebe, Andrea
- Liebenson, D.
- Lieber, Ethan M.J.
- Lieber, M.
- Lieberman, A.
- Lieberman, Jay R.
- Lieberman, Richard
- Lieberthal, Kenneth G.
- Liebhold, K. G.
- Liebling, Alison
- Liebschutz, Jane
- Liechenstein, M. I.
- Lieff, Sarah
- Lieman, S. L.
- Liepman, Andrew
- Lierens, Abigail
- Lieske, H. A.
- Lieu, Dale K.
- Lieu, Tracy A.
- Lifland, Charlie
- Liggett, Jason
- Light, Paul C.
- Light, Thomas
- Lightstone, Amy S.
- Ligor, Douglas C.
- Ligtvoet, Andreas
- Lilford, Richard
- Lillard, Lee A.
- Lillehammer, G.
- Lilly, Bilyana
- Lilly, Jacob
- Lilly, Sale
- Lim, Jing Zhi
- Lim, June
- Lim, Nelson
- Lim, Sahnah
- Lim, Yee-Wei
- Limacher, Marian C.
- Limanovitz, Yael
- Limbos, Mary Ann
- Lin, Bonny
- Lin, Cheng-yi
- Lin, Chia-Hsi Jessica
- Lin, Daniel
- Lin, Elizabeth
- Lin, Haizhen
- Lin, I-Fen
- Lin, Jennifer S.
- Lin, Jin-Long
- Lin, Judy
- Lin, Lewei Allison
- Lin, Michael
- Lin, Rongheng
- Lin, Xihong
- Lin, Yi-Jen
- Lin, Yu-Chen
- Lin, Zhenquiu
- Lincoln, Thomas L.
- Lind, Edgar
- Lind, J. R.
- Lind, Jennifer
- Lind, Mimi
- Lindblad, Anne S.
- Lindblom, Charles Edward
- Linde, Hans A.
- Linde, Klaus
- Linden, Ariel
- Lindenblatt, Charles
- Linder, Jr., I. W.
- Linder, Jeffrey A.
- Lindgren, Kristen P.
- Lindhiem, Oliver J.
- Lindholm, Carroll R.
- Lindley, Megan
- Lindley-French, Julian
- Lindquist, Kerry
- Lindsay, Ana Cristina
- Lindsay, David Scott
- Lindsay, Dawn
- Lindsay, Shuna
- Lindsey, G.
- Lindsey, J. H.
- Lindsey, Phoebe A.
- Lindstrom, Gustav
- Lindstrom, Richard L.
- Ling, Frank W.
- Ling Grant, Deborah
- Ling, R. O.
- Ling, Tom
- Lingel, Sherrill
- Linick, Michael E.
- Link, Bruce G.
- Linkov, Igor
- Linkski, Barbara
- Linn, Herbert I.
- Linn, Lawrence S.
- Linnemayr, Sebastian
- Linnenkamp, Hilmar
- Linnenkohl, Kathryn A.
- Lino, Marisa R.
- Linsner, Rachel K.
- Linster, Richard L.
- Linthicum, Mark T.
- Linton, John
- Linton, Kathryn L P
- Linz, Florian
- Liong, Men Long
- Lipinski, Lisa
- Lipkus, Isaac
- Lipman, Paul
- Lipman, Terri H.
- Lipp, J. E.
- Lippert, Adam M.
- Lippert, Tyler H.
- Lippiatt, Thomas F.
- Lipscomb, Bailey
- Lipscomb, Joseph
- Lipscy, Phillip
- Lipsett, S. M.
- Lipsitz, Lewis
- Lipsitz, Stuart R.
- Lipson, Albert J.
- Lipson, Leon S.
- Lipson, Steven
- Liptak, Gregory S.
- Liquori, Alessandra
- Lira, Marlene C.
- Lisowski, William
- Lissovolik, Yaroslav
- Liston, Timothy
- Litchfield, Ian
- Litman, Diane
- Litovitz, Aviva
- Littenberg, Benjamin
- Litterer, Sydney
- Little, Jack D.
- Little, Judith Warren
- Little, Michael
- Little, Todd D.
- Little, Virna
- Little, William
- Littleton, L.
- Littman, Abby
- Littmann, Jasper
- Litvin, Dionna K.
- Litwin, Mark
- Litwok, Daniel
- Litz, Brett T.
- Liu, Bo
- Liu, Brooke Fisher
- Liu, Chuan-Fen
- Liu, Darren
- Liu, David Shiao-Kung
- Liu, Dawei
- Liu, Dazhong
- Liu, Guodong
- Liu, Harry H.
- Liu, Honghu H.
- Liu, Hui
- Liu, James
- Liu, Jay
- Liu, Jenny
- Liu, Jerome H.
- Liu, Jianfang
- Liu, Jodi L.
- Liu, Junyi
- Liu, Jun
- Liu, Karin
- Liu, Keying
- Liu, Larry Z.
- Liu, Lin C.
- Liu, Mei-Ching
- Liu, Mingyan
- Liu, Pai
- Liu, Pang-Hsiang
- Liu, Rebecca Ching-Chi
- Liu, Shuangshuang
- Liu, Simin
- Liu, Stephen K.
- Liu, Tianjia
- Liu, Xian
- Liu, Xiaofeng
- Liu, Xin
- Liu, Xulei
- Liu, Yang
- Liu, Yihang
- Liu, Yingna
- Liu, Ying
- Liva, Giovanni
- Liverani, Andrea
- Livers, Ancella
- Livhits, Masha
- Livi, L
- Livingston, Edward H.
- Livingston, Whitney S.
- Lizaola, Elizabeth
- Lizon, Kacey
- Llanwarne, Nadia R.
- Lleras-Muney, Adriana
- Lloyd, Andrew
- Lloyd, Cathy
- Lloyd, Jacqueline
- Lloyd, Jon C.
- Lloyd-Dotta, Tatiana
- Lo, Jeanie
- Lo, Peter
- Loa, Kathleen
- Localio, Russell
- Loch, Sarah F.
- Lochman, John
- Locke, Ben Z.
- Locker, Alicia Revitsky
- Lockett, Jo Ann
- Lockwood, J. R.
- Lodahl, T. M.
- Lodato, V. A.
- Lodge, Barbara
- Lodge, Martin
- Loeb, J. M.
- Loeb, Sam
- Loeb, Susanna
- Loepfe, Thomas R.
- Loera, Claudia Rafful
- Loerinc, Amanda G.
- Loescher, Gill
- Loeve, Franka
- Loew, Aviva
- Loewen, Adam C.
- Loewenstein, George
- Lofgren, D. V.
- Lofstrom, Filippa
- Loftus, J. E.
- Logan, J.
- Logan, Susan
- Loganathan, Muruga A.
- Logsdon, M. Cynthia
- Logue, Jordan
- Logue, Melanie D.
- Lohn, Andrew J.
- Lohr, James B.
- Lohr, Kathleen N.
- Lohr, W. R.
- Loibl, Cäzilia
- Loidolt, Bryce
- Lokker, Cynthia
- Lolis, Shirley
- Lombaerde, J.
- Lombardero, Anayansi
- Lombardi, Emilia
- Lombardo, Dawn
- London, Andrew S.
- London, Jennifer A.
- Long, Anna
- Long, Austin
- Long, Duncan
- Long, Magda
- Long, R. Cynthia
- Long, Stacey
- Long, Stephen H.
- Longford, Nicholas T.
- Longman, Richard W.
- Longmire, C. L.
- Longshore, Douglas L.
- Longstaff, Tom
- Lonsdale, Jeremy
- Loofbourow, Robert L.
- Lopes, Maycon
- Lopetuso, Loris
- Lopez, Alejandra
- Lopez, Andrea
- Lopez, Anthony
- Lopez, Carlos Manuel Guerrero
- Lopez, Christian
- Lopez, Donna M.
- Lopez Garcia, Italo
- Lopez, Griselda
- Lopez Hernandez, Sergio Sergio
- Lopez, Lenny
- Lopez, Melissa Succi
- Lopez, Omar S.
- Lopez, P. F.
- Lopez, Rajni
- Lopez, Ron
- Lopez-Malpica, Fernando
- Lord, Dominique
- Loredo, Elvira N.
- Lorell, Mark A.
- Lorenz, Karl
- Lorgelly, Paula
- Lorick, Suchita A.
- Lorie, William
- Lorkowsky, S.
- Lorvick, Jennifer
- Los, F. J.
- Losonczy, Miklos
- Lossing, Brad
- Lostumbo, Michael J.
- Lotsch, Alexander
- Lotstein, Debra
- Lotstra, A.
- Lou, Chunhao
- Lou, Yimin
- Loucks, Eric B.
- Lough, Roger
- Loughran, David S.
- Louie, Rachel
- Louis, Elan D.
- Louis, Margo
- Louis, Thomas A.
- Lounsbury, Kaitlin
- Loury, Glenn C.
- Loutan, Clyde
- Love, P. L.
- Loveday, Douglas F.
- Lovejoy, Susan L.
- Loveland, Susan
- Lovell, C. A. K.
- Lovell, Clifton C.
- Lovell, Kim S.
- Lovell, Sarah
- Lovelock, Ben
- Lovely, Paul
- Lovera, Shaula
- Lovrics, Emily
- Low, Allison
- Low, Barbara
- Low, Elizabeth C.
- Low, Roger
- Lowe, Beverly F.
- Lowe, Elizabeth
- Lowe, John
- Lowe, Rodger R.
- Lowe, Timothy J.
- Lowe, Will
- Lowell, Julia F.
- Lowenthal, R.
- Lowery, C. L.
- Lowery-North, Douglas W.
- Lowman, Janel
- Lowry, Ira S.
- Lowry, L. P.
- Lowry, Nathan J.
- Lowry, Richard
- Lowsky, David
- Loy, Steven
- Loza, Nasser
- Lozano, Paula
- Lozano, Rafael
- Lozon, Marie M.
- Lu, Cherie Hsias-Ying
- Lu, Christine Y.
- Lu, Hui
- Lu, J. F. Rachel
- Lu, John Y.
- Lu, Mei-Chun
- Lu, Michael C.
- Lu, Natalie T.
- Lu, Timothy (Jun)
- Lu, Weidong
- Lu, Yangxu
- Lu, Yang
- Luangkesorn, Louis
- Lubalin, James
- Lubeck, Deborah P.
- Lubell, Harold
- Lubell, Keri
- Lubick-Goldzweig, Caroline
- Lubin, Ira M.
- Lubitz, James
- Luby, Stephen
- Lucas, Ann
- Lucas, Caleb
- Lucas, Georgina I.
- Lucas, Jeffrey W.
- Lucas, Judith A.
- Lucas, Megan
- Lucas, Rebecca
- Lucas, Samuel R.
- Lucas, Scott
- Lucas, Thomas W.
- Lucas, W. F.
- Lucas, William A.
- Lucas-Wright, Aziza
- Luce, R. D.
- Lucero, Al
- Lucero, Mark
- Lucero, Robert J.
- Lucey, Jerold F.
- Lucey, Kevin D.
- Luchins, Daniel J.
- Luchsinger, José A.
- Luck, Jeffrey
- Luckey, David
- Luckmann, Roger
- Lucksted, Alicia
- Ludlow, Amy
- Ludman, Evette
- Ludwig, Alvin K.
- Ludwig, Colin
- Ludwig, Meredith
- Luecha, Ann
- Luetke-Stahlman, Hannah
- Luft, Harold S.
- Lugar, Tana
- Lui, Camillia
- Luiz, John
- Luke, Douglas A.
- Luke, Richard C.
- Lukes, R. J.
- Lum, Garrett
- Lum, Garret
- Lumpkin, Domenique
- Luna, Adrian
- Luna, Pamela J.
- Lund, John
- Lundberg, Russell
- Lundberg, Shelly
- Lundebjerg, Nancy E.
- Lundin, Pernilla
- Lung, Derrick
- Lunkuse, Lillian
- Lunn, Mitchell R.
- Lunney, June R.
- Luo, George
- Luoma, Paivi
- Luoto, Jill E.
- Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Francisco
- Lupton, Joseph
- Lupu, Dale E.
- Lurie, Nicole
- Lurie, Peter
- Lusardi, Annamaria
- Lussier, Frances M.
- Lusted, Hugh S.
- Lustik, Stewart J.
- Lutomirski, R. F.
- Luttmer, Erzo F.P.
- Lutz, R. J.
- Luu, Ky
- Luu, Michael
- Lux, Linda
- Luyirika, Emmanuel
- Luyt, David
- Lyddiatt, Anne
- Lykoudis, P. S.
- Lyle, J.
- Lyles, Alan
- Lyman, G. H.
- Lymperis, Lydia
- Lynch, Alice
- Lynch, Allen
- Lynch, Amanda H.
- Lynch, Charlotte
- Lynch, Christopher
- Lynch, Julia
- Lynch, Kevin
- Lynch, Kristin F.
- Lynch, Susan V.
- Lynch, Victoria
- Lyness, Jeffrey M.
- Lynn, Joanne
- Lynn, J
- Lyon, David W.
- Lyon, Jared
- Lyon, Kate
- Lyon-Callo, Sarah K.
- Lyons, Glenn
- Lyons, James
- Lyons, Jessica C.
- Lyratzopoulos, Georgios
- Lysell, Kathleen
- Lytell, Maria C.
- Lytle, Leslie
- Léger, Juliane
- Léveillé, Jasmin
- López III, Eddie
- López-Cantú, Tania
- López-Cevallos, Daniel F.
- López-Ortega, Mariana