Just as the U.S. National Defense Strategy lists homeland defense as the first priority (PDF) of the Department of Defense, China's national defense policy states that the top mission of China's armed forces is to “safeguard national territorial sovereignty (领土主权) and maritime rights and interests (海洋权益).” Other “major security domains” have been added to China's National Defense Law—specifically space, the electromagnetic spectrum, and cyberspace in 2020—but protecting the borders of the homeland has always been the prime directive.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping underscored mainland defense on July 30 with a speech to the Chinese Communist Party's politburo standing committee group study session on China's border, coastal, and air defense (边海空防). This meeting addressed the duties of a significant portion of the active-duty People's Liberation Army, the People's Armed Police, and the reserves and militia, which operate on the front lines with neighboring militaries and civilian entities. Xi praised their efforts as central to China's national security and strategic interests since he took power in 2012. The study session became the banner front page article of the August 1 edition of the Chinese-language Liberation Army Daily newspaper. Xi's speech gained symbolic heft by coming on the date celebrated for the 97th anniversary of the founding of People's Liberation Army.…
The remainder of this commentary is available at warontherocks.com