Carrie M. Farmer

Carrie M. Farmer

Codirector, RAND Epstein Family Veterans Policy Research Institute; Director, Health Care Quality Measurement and Improvement Program; Senior Policy Researcher

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Carrie M. Farmer is codirector of the RAND Epstein Family Veterans Policy Research Institute, director of the Health Care Quality Measurement and Improvement Program, and a senior policy researcher at RAND. Her areas of research include military and veteran health policy and quality of health care. She has led multiple studies to assess the delivery of health care to veterans and service members, including a study of behavioral health care in the Military Health System, a study of the use of measurement-based care in the treatment of behavioral health conditions in the Veterans Health Administration, and studies to assess the capacity of community providers to meet the health care needs of veterans.

Farmer was the study director for a large, comprehensive assessment of the Veterans Health Administration required by the Veterans, Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014. She was also the codirector for a study of innovative approaches for treating psychological health problems and traumatic brain injury in the Department of Defense and led the largest assessment to date of care received by service members following a mild traumatic brain injury. She received her Ph.D. in health policy from Harvard University and her B.A. in psychobiology from Wellesley College.


Ph.D. in health policy, Harvard University; B.A. in psychobiology, Wellesley College

Selected Work

  • Rasmussen, Petra W., Carrie M. Farmer, The Promise and Challenges of VA Community Care: Veterans' Issues in Focus, RAND Corporation (PE-A1363-5), 2022
  • Farmer, Carrie M., Sierra Smucker, Natalie C. Ernecoff, and Hamad Al-Ibrahim, Recommended Standards for Delivering High-Quality Care to Veterans with Invisible Wounds, RAND Corporation (RR-A1728-1), 2022
  • Bouskill, Kathryn E., Carrie M. Farmer, Irineo Cabreros, Jonathan H. Cantor, Natalie C. Ernecoff, Lynn Hu, Shira H. Fischer, Aaron Kofner, Lisa S. Meredith, Matthew L. Mizel, Aneesa Motala, Tepring Piquado, Zachary Predmore, and Rajeev Ramchand, Improving Care for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury Across the Lifespan, RAND Corporation (RR-A1205-1), 2022
  • Brooks Holliday S; Hepner KA, Farmer CM, Ivany C, Iyiewuare P, McGee-Vincent P, McCaslin S, Rosen CS, "A Qualitative Evaluation of Veterans Health Administration’s Implementation of Measurement-Based Care in Behavioral Health," Psychological Services, 17(3), 2020
  • Tanielian T and Farmer C., "The US Military Health System: Promoting Readiness and Providing Health Care.," Health Affairs, 38(8), 2019
  • Hepner, Kimberly A.; Farris, Coreen.; Farmer, Carrie M.; Iyiewuare, Praise.; Tanielian, Terri L.; Wilks, Asa.; Robbins, Michael William.; Paddock, Susan M.; Pincus, Harold Alan,, Delivering Clinical Practice Guideline-Concordant Care for PTSD and Major Depression in Military Treatment Facilities, RAND Corporation (RR-1692), 2017
  • Farmer, Carrie M.; Tanielian, Terri L.; Fischer, Shira H.; Duffy, Erin L.; Dellva, Stephanie.; Butcher, Emily.; Brown, Kristine M.; Hoch, Emily., Supporting Veterans in Massachusetts: An Assessment of Needs, Well-Being, and Available Resources, RAND Corporation (RR-1698), 2017
  • Carrie Farmer, Susan Hosek, David Adamson, Balancing Demand and Supply for Veterans' Health Care: A Summary of Three RAND Assessments Conducted Under the Veterans Choice Act, RAND Corporation (RR-1165z4), 2016

Authored by Carrie M. Farmer

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