Stuart S. Olmsted

Stuart S. Olmsted

Director of Operations, Research and Analysis; Senior Natural Scientist

Media Inquiries

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Stuart Olmsted is director of operations for research and analysis and a senior natural scientist at the RAND Corporation. He works on science and technology policy issues in education and health. Olmsted's recent research includes measuring laboratory capacity to respond to bioterrorism attacks and pandemic influenza outbreaks, assessing the capacity of public health laboratories in resource-limited settings, and evaluating the U.S. military's serum repository. Prior to joining RAND, he taught high school math and chemistry in Baltimore City and was an officer in the U.S. Navy for five years.

Olmsted received his Ph.D. in biophysics from Johns Hopkins University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Magee-Women's Research Institute.


Ph.D. in biophysics, Johns Hopkins University; B.S. in earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Selected Work

  • Stuart S. Olmsted et al., "Patient Experience with, and Use of, an Electronic Monitoring System to Assess Vaccination Responses," Health Expectations, 9(2), 2006
  • Mickey Urdea et al., "Requirements for High Impact Diagnostics in the Developing World," Nature, 444, 2006
  • Stuart S. Olmsted et al., "Use of an Electronic Monitoring System for Self-Reporting Smallpox Vaccine Reactions," Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy
  • Girosi F, Olmsted SS, Keeler E, Hay Burgess DC, Lim YW, Aledort JE, Rafael ME, Ricci KA, Boer R, Hilborne L, Derose KP, Shea MV, Beighley CM, Dahl CA, Wasserman J., "Developing and interpreting models to improve diagnostics in developing countries," Nature, 23(444), 2006
  • Moore, Melinda, Elisa Eiseman, Gail Fisher, Stuart S. Olmsted, Preethi R. Sama, and John A. Zambrano, Harnessing Full Value from the DoD Serum Repository and the Defense Medical Surveillance System, RAND Corporation (MG-875-A), 2010
  • Pane, John F., Valerie L. Williams, Stuart S. Olmsted, Kun Yuan, Eleanor Spindler, and Mary Ellen Slaughter, Math Science Partnership of Southwest Pennsylvania: Measuring Progress Toward Goals, RAND Corporation (MG-857-AIU), 2009
  • Elisa Eiseman et al., Case Studies of Existing Human Tissue Repositories: Best Practices for a Biospecimen Resource for the Genomic and Proteomic Era, RAND Corporation (MG-120), 2003
  • Shelton, Shoshana R., Amanda Wicker, and Stuart S. Olmsted, Continuity of Operations Plan Improvement Tool for Public Health Laboratories, Association of Public Health Laboratories (EP-68111), 2020

Authored by Stuart S. Olmsted

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