Michael Vermeer is a technologist with experience in science and technology policy research in homeland security, criminal justice, the intelligence community, and the armed forces. He specializes in assessing opportunities and security risks associated with emerging technologies. He is an expert on the cybersecurity risks created by quantum computing and the challenges with broad adoption of post-quantum cryptography. He was on the advisory board for the National Cyber Moonshot workshop on a Trusted Ecosystem, and he co-leads the Priority Criminal Justice Needs Initiative, a research partnership identifying technology and policy needs across the criminal justice system.


Ph.D. in chemistry, Northwestern University; B.S. in chemistry, Calvin University

Selected Work

  • Vermeer, Michael J. D., Chad Heitzenrater, Edward Parker, Alvin Moon, Domenique Lumpkin, Jalal Awan, and Patricia A. Stapleton, Evaluating Cryptographic Vulnerabilities Created by Quantum Computing in Industrial Control Systems, RAND Corporation (RR-A2427-1), 2023
  • Vermeer, Michael J. D., Edward Parker, and Ajay K. Kochhar, Preparing for Post-Quantum Critical Infrastructure: Assessments of Quantum Computing Vulnerabilities of National Critical Functions, RAND Corporation (RR-A1367-6), 2022
  • Michael J. D. Vermeer, "The Evolution of the Post-Quantum Cyber Environment," Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 2023 (forthcoming)
  • Vermeer, Michael J. D., Evan D. Peet, Securing Communications in the Quantum Computing Age: Managing the Risks to Encryption, RAND Corporation (RR-3102-RC), 2020
  • Vermeer, Michael J. D., Jeremy D. Barnum, Siara I. Sitar, Dulani Woods, and Brian A. Jackson, Amplifying the Speakers: Identifying High-Priority Needs for Law Enforcement Public Information Officers, RAND Corporation (RR-A108-15), 2022
  • Jackson, Brian A., Michael J. D. Vermeer, Kristin J. Leuschner, Dulani Woods, John S. Hollywood, Duren Banks, Sean E. Goodison, Joe Russo, and Shoshana R. Shelton, Fostering Innovation Across the U.S. Criminal Justice System: Identifying Opportunities to Improve Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Fairness, RAND Corporation (RR-4242-NIJ), 2020
  • Vermeer, Michael J. D., Dulani Woods, and Brian A. Jackson, Would Law Enforcement Leaders Support Defunding the Police? Probably — If Communities Ask Police to Solve Fewer Problems, RAND Corporation (PE-A108-1), 2020

Authored by Michael J. D. Vermeer

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