". . . We Band of Brothers"

The Call for Joint Urban Operations Doctrine

Russell W. Glenn

ResearchPublished 1999

Recent historical events and changing world demographics caused the U.S. military to recognize shortfalls in its urban operations doctrine. The J8 Urban Working Group (UWG) therefore asked RAND to conduct a study to identify requirements in this area. This document summarizes that study, which was conducted in three phases. The first was a determination of the current status of joint urban operations doctrine. The second phase involved identification and description of the character such a doctrine should take. The third and final analytical step was a compilation of specific requirements that literature reviews and extensive field interviews dictated should be part of a U.S. joint MOUT (military operations on urbanized terrain) doctrine. The author determined that urban operations doctrine was needed and that it should be in the form of a separate joint publication. Subsequent to his work, the Joint Doctrine Working Party directed that work begin on the heretofore nonexistent Joint Publication 3-06 (JP 3-06), Doctrine for Joint Urban Operations.


Document Details


RAND Style Manual
Glenn, Russell W., ". . . We Band of Brothers": The Call for Joint Urban Operations Doctrine, RAND Corporation, DB-270-JS/A, 1999. As of September 11, 2024: https://www.rand.org/pubs/documented_briefings/DB270.html
Chicago Manual of Style
Glenn, Russell W., ". . . We Band of Brothers": The Call for Joint Urban Operations Doctrine. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1999. https://www.rand.org/pubs/documented_briefings/DB270.html.

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