Evaluation of the Alternative Provision Specialist Taskforces (APST)
Evaluation Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan
ResearchPosted on rand.org Jun 22, 2023Published in: Youth Endowment Fund website (2023)
Evaluation Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan
ResearchPosted on rand.org Jun 22, 2023Published in: Youth Endowment Fund website (2023)
The evaluation of the Alternative Provision Specialist Taskforces (APST) programme is being delivered by a consortium from three organisations: RAND Europe, the University of Westminster (UW) and FFT Education Datalab (FFT).
The Consortium will carry out an independent evaluation that will include:
Within the Consortium:
For most outcomes evaluated in the impact evaluation, data will be taken from administrative sources. By definition these sources cover all participating and non-participating schools in England.
However, primary data collection to inform the impact evaluation is required to collect data on social and emotional outcomes. This is being undertaken via the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). It was necessary to recruit comparison schools for the purposes of evaluating this outcome measured by the SDQ. To do this, three matched comparison APs schools were identified for each of the 22 participating AP schools. We attempted to recruit one of the three potential comparison APs schools for each participating AP school. This was achieved in 15 cases, with reserve matches being recruited in 6 cases. This was considered the optimal balance between a sufficiently powered analysis (see Table 7) and fieldwork costs. Comparison schools have been asked to administer the SDQ to their students. Further details about the selection of comparison AP Schools are included in Appendix C.This publication is part of the RAND external publication series. Many RAND studies are published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals, as chapters in commercial books, or as documents published by other organizations.
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