Terrorism and Development

Using Social and Economic Development to Inhibit a Resurgence of Terrorism

Kim Cragin, Peter Chalk

ResearchPublished 2003

This report examines the social and economic development policies enacted by three countries — Israel, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom — to inhibit a resurgence of terrorism within their jurisdictions. Drawing on a broad research base, including numerous first-hand interviews, the authors outline the initiatives implemented by each country then assess their effectiveness, with the aim of informing U.S. decisionmakers of the benefits and pitfalls of such initiatives as they develop policy to counter terrorism. Among their conclusions are the following: Social and economic development policies can weaken local support for terrorist activities and discourage terrorist recruits, and such policies can be used as a "stick" to discourage terrorism. They caution, however, that the ability of these policies to inhibit terrorism depends on their implementation, and inadequately funded such policies are likely to renew support for terrorism.

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Document Details

  • Availability: Available
  • Year: 2003
  • Print Format: Paperback
  • Paperback Pages: 60
  • Paperback Price: $18.00
  • Paperback ISBN/EAN: 978-0-8330-3308-6
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.7249/MR1630
  • Document Number: MR-1630-RC


RAND Style Manual
Cragin, Kim and Peter Chalk, Terrorism and Development: Using Social and Economic Development to Inhibit a Resurgence of Terrorism, RAND Corporation, MR-1630-RC, 2003. As of September 23, 2024: https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1630.html
Chicago Manual of Style
Cragin, Kim and Peter Chalk, Terrorism and Development: Using Social and Economic Development to Inhibit a Resurgence of Terrorism. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2003. https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1630.html. Also available in print form.

This research in the public interest was supported by RAND, using discretionary funds made possible by the generosity of RAND's donors, the fees earned on client-funded research, and independent research and development (IR&D) funds provided by the Department of Defense.

This publication is part of the RAND monograph report series. The monograph report was a product of RAND from 1993 to 2003. RAND monograph reports presented major research findings that addressed the challenges facing the public and private sectors. They included executive summaries, technical documentation, and synthesis pieces.

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