Uitwerking kennislijn ruimtelijk-economische structuur

Bouwstenen voor een investeringsportfolio in kennisinfrastructuur [A Design for Investment in Knowledge and Knowledge Infrastructure in the Netherlands]

James P. Kahan, Odette van de Riet, Mirjam van het Loo, Erik J. Frinking, Hans Gruenfeld, Jonathan Cave, Richard Fallon

ResearchPublished 1997

The Interministerial Commission on Economic Structure (ICES) was asked to recommend infrastructure investments to sustain economic growth. In its considerations, ICES affirmed two principles in considering the allocation of resources: The knowledge infrastructure of the country, as well as its physical infrastructure, is an important foundation for economic growth; and attempting to stimulate economic growth can result in dilemma-like negative side effects, so that investments must address not only economic growth but also the accompanying dilemmas. Five such dilemmas were identified. ICES formed a study group called Knowledge InfraStructure (KIS) to recommend investments based on these principles. This report attempts to clarify what is meant by knowledge infrastructure, illuminate the relationships among economic growth, physical investment, and knowledge investment, and identify areas for knowledge investment consistent with the principles.

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  • Availability: Available
  • Year: 1997
  • Print Format: Paperback
  • Paperback Pages: 244
  • Paperback Price: $40.00
  • Document Number: MR-885-RE/ICES


RAND Style Manual
Kahan, James P., Odette van de Riet, Mirjam van het Loo, Erik J. Frinking, Hans Gruenfeld, Jonathan Cave, and Richard Fallon, Uitwerking kennislijn ruimtelijk-economische structuur: Bouwstenen voor een investeringsportfolio in kennisinfrastructuur [A Design for Investment in Knowledge and Knowledge Infrastructure in the Netherlands], RAND Corporation, MR-885-RE/ICES, 1997. As of October 11, 2024: https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR885.html
Chicago Manual of Style
Kahan, James P., Odette van de Riet, Mirjam van het Loo, Erik J. Frinking, Hans Gruenfeld, Jonathan Cave, and Richard Fallon, Uitwerking kennislijn ruimtelijk-economische structuur: Bouwstenen voor een investeringsportfolio in kennisinfrastructuur [A Design for Investment in Knowledge and Knowledge Infrastructure in the Netherlands]. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1997. https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR885.html. Also available in print form.

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