Audit of the baseline household survey in site I
ResearchPublished 1979
ResearchPublished 1979
Assesses the completeness and reliability of baseline (1974) data describing households and their housing for a stratified probability sample of residential properties in Brown County, Wisconsin (Site I of the Housing Assistance Supply Experiment). Interviews were obtained from 3,853 households, over three-quarters of those sought. Few interviewer and data preparation errors were found, and many of those were corrected. After data cleaning, less than 2 percent of applicable fields lacked usable data. Two analysis samples were created (field-complete and income-complete). Neither sample showed evidence of important nonresponse biases, with the exception of mobile home park properties. Records in the analysis samples were weighted to represent the sampled population.
This publication is part of the RAND note series. The note was a product of RAND from 1979 to 1993 that reported miscellaneous outputs of sponsored research for general distribution.
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