Lin Piao as an Elite Type.
ResearchPublished 1971
ResearchPublished 1971
Aggregate elite studies must be supplemented by and linked to biographic studies of individual leaders. Lin Piao, announced successor to Mao Tse-tung, is a good case in point. The congruence between Lin's career, which is outlined, and Party history and that of the other members of the Chinese Communist elite is quite close. His political "style" differs from that of other top political leaders in a way that complements their administrative efforts and approaches to politics. Although the content of Lin's views differs little from the official Party outlook on important topics, the timing of changes in Lin's philosophical and ideological orientation often leads, or lags behind, changes in Party status, policy, and historical orientation. Lin has been a follower of Mao since the early 1930s and has, for the most part, governed his relationships with others on the basis of their fidelity to Mao and to himself. 59 pp.
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