Residential Energy Use
Combining Disaggregated Data Sources for Policy Analysis
ResearchPublished 1977
Combining Disaggregated Data Sources for Policy Analysis
ResearchPublished 1977
Describes the problems in combining databases and documents the data involved in empirical testing of electricity demand model in R-1899. The purpose of combining disaggregated data from utilities in Los Angeles County, socioeconomic characteristics and appliance data from the 1970 Census, Fourth Count, and weather data from six points in the county was to provide the policymakers with better information about the efficacy, economic efficiency, and distributional implications of alternative policies with respect to different energy types. By using more disaggregated data than has been available in previous studies, one can expect to obtain more precise and unbiased estimates about energy consumption behavior. The paper concludes with suggested improvements in utility data collection methods and the coding which associates these data with other information. This can be the basis for more reliable analyses in the future.
This publication is part of the RAND paper series. The paper series was a product of RAND from 1948 to 2003 that captured speeches, memorials, and derivative research, usually prepared on authors' own time and meant to be the scholarly or scientific contribution of individual authors to their professional fields. Papers were less formal than reports and did not require rigorous peer review.
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