Schiphol en Gezondheid [Schiphol and Health]

Een Belevingsonderzoek in Abbenes, Rijsenhout en Zwanenburg [A Perceptions Study in Abbenes, Rijsenhout and Zwanenburg]

Lisa van Dorp, Robbin te Velde, James P. Kahan

ResearchPublished 1998

RAND was asked to carry out a study of the subjective health perceptions and experiences of inhabitants of three towns in the area surrounding Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. The study aimed to address the emotional health issues of these inhabitants. It concluded that the health situation in the three towns was not homogeneous. Hence, the RAND researchers concluded that the "one size fits all" approach to solving the noise problems surrounding Schiphol falls short. Instead of a generic noise policy, more specific attention should be paid to the specific situation in each town.

Document Details


RAND Style Manual
van Dorp, Lisa, Robbin te Velde, and James P. Kahan, Schiphol en Gezondheid [Schiphol and Health]: Een Belevingsonderzoek in Abbenes, Rijsenhout en Zwanenburg [A Perceptions Study in Abbenes, Rijsenhout and Zwanenburg], RAND Corporation, RE-98002-AAS, 1998. As of September 25, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
van Dorp, Lisa, Robbin te Velde, and James P. Kahan, Schiphol en Gezondheid [Schiphol and Health]: Een Belevingsonderzoek in Abbenes, Rijsenhout en Zwanenburg [A Perceptions Study in Abbenes, Rijsenhout and Zwanenburg]. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1998.

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This publication is part of the RAND RAND Europe document series. The RAND Europe document series, produced by RAND Europe from 1998 to 2001, presented major research findings that addressed the challenges facing the public and private sectors.

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