Systeemdiagram voor het beleidsveld vervoer en verkeer

Odette van de Riet, B. Egeter

ResearchPublished 1998

QUESTA is a scenario-development project that was carried out by a team within the Netherlands' Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. The aim of the project was to develop descriptions of possible future developments inside and outside the Dutch traffic and transport system. RAND Europe assisted the project team by providing advice and support in different phases of the project on an as-needed basis. One of RAND Europe's major contributions to the project was the development of a system diagram for the policy domain of traffic and transport (a task that was performed jointly with TNO Inro). The diagram represents the traffic and transport system as a system composed of three inter-connected markets, each of which experiences a dynamic interaction between its own demands and supplies. The three markets are: a trip market, a transport market, and a traffic market.


Document Details

  • Availability: Out Of Print
  • Year: 1998
  • Paperback Pages: 24
  • Document Number: RE-98003-VW


RAND Style Manual
van de Riet, Odette and B. Egeter, Systeemdiagram voor het beleidsveld vervoer en verkeer, RAND Corporation, RE-98003-VW, 1998. As of October 11, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
van de Riet, Odette and B. Egeter, Systeemdiagram voor het beleidsveld vervoer en verkeer. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1998.

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This publication is part of the RAND RAND Europe document series. The RAND Europe document series, produced by RAND Europe from 1998 to 2001, presented major research findings that addressed the challenges facing the public and private sectors.

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