A Markovian Flow Model
The Analysis of Movement in Large-Scale (Military) Personnel Systems — Program Listings
ResearchPublished 1971
The Analysis of Movement in Large-Scale (Military) Personnel Systems — Program Listings
ResearchPublished 1971
The third in a series of reports describing a model of social mobility, the study of which will provide researchers with information concerning patterns of movement, projections of existing population trends, and the impact produced by changes in rates of movement. Intended to be used by the programmer/analyst in creating a program library, this report lists the 29 FORTRAN subroutines that perform the operations described in the program package. The storage required on an IBM 360/65 is given for each subroutine. Comment cards contain a step-by-step, natural-language description of source-language statements. These listings will be useful when the programs are to be executed on another computer system, or when a subroutine implementing a new operation is to be written. A sample program is included. (See also R-514, R-534.)
This publication is part of the RAND report series. The report series, a product of RAND from 1948 to 1993, represented the principal publication documenting and transmitting RAND's major research findings and final research.
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