Advances in Closed Circuit TV Systems for the Partially Sighted

Samuel M. Genensky, H. E. Petersen, H. L. Moshin, R. W. Clewett, Roy I. Yoshimura

ResearchPublished 1972

Two RAND-designed CCTV systems called RANDSIGHT I and II, which permit the partially sighted to read printed material or write with pen or pencil, are described. CCTV systems are of value to over 800,000 partially sighted Americans. A testing program involving partially sighted subjects using RANDSIGHT I with an X-Y Platform is described and results are given. The RAND X-Y Platform (described in detail) has revolutionized design and lowered cost of similar commercial systems. In RANDSIGHT II, a research instrument, the motor-driven camera, scans a line of text automatically or under foot or hand control. Tests indicate that no X-ray hazard exists from monitors operating at acceleration voltages not exceeding 19 kv. A simple lightbox test for determining roughly whether a CCTV system will benefit the partially sighted, and which can be administered in a physician's office, is presented. A comprehensive list of criteria for constructing a rationally designed CCTV system is given. (The word RANDSIGHT is the Certification Mark of The RAND Corporation.)

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Document Details

  • Availability: Available
  • Year: 1972
  • Print Format: Paperback
  • Paperback Pages: 98
  • Paperback Price: $25.00
  • Document Number: R-1040-HEW/RC


RAND Style Manual
Genensky, Samuel M., H. E. Petersen, H. L. Moshin, R. W. Clewett, and Roy I. Yoshimura, Advances in Closed Circuit TV Systems for the Partially Sighted, RAND Corporation, R-1040-HEW/RC, 1972. As of October 11, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
Genensky, Samuel M., H. E. Petersen, H. L. Moshin, R. W. Clewett, and Roy I. Yoshimura, Advances in Closed Circuit TV Systems for the Partially Sighted. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1972. Also available in print form.

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