User's Guide to Auxiliary Programs for the Mintz-Arakawa Atmospheric Model.
ResearchPublished 1974
ResearchPublished 1974
Documents six computer programs used by the RAND/ARPA Climate Dynamics Project in simulating the behavior of the global atmosphere to study the complex interactions that produce world climate. The primary research tool, the Mintz-Arakawa model, runs 25 hours computing time for a 60-day simulation, generating 2 billion numbers, of which 15 million are stored in 18 arrays. The MAPGEN, Map Display, and Zonal Profile programs, documented here, post-process this output into manageable and comprehensible maps, profiles, and tables. The Difference program calculates the differences between experiments for plotting by Map Display. Two auxiliary programs are also documented, Quick Look and Disk Initializer, which greatly facilitate use of the M/A program. MAPGEN, a very large program, consists of about 4000 FORTRAN IV source cards, uses 1,250,000 bytes of core, and requires 50 minutes on one of the world's fastest computers to process the output from a 60-day simulation. The other programs are much smaller. 73 pp. Ref.
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