Soviet Seismographic Stations and Seismic Instruments, Part II

Charles Shishkevish

ResearchPublished 1975

Second in a series on Soviet seismographic stations and seismic instruments, this report deals mainly with instruments and components developed since 1960, summarizing all the useful information published in Soviet scientific literature through June 1975. Among the conclusions: (1) Short-period seismometer design is constrained by massiveness. (2) Long-period seismometers are not as mechanically and geometrically precise as modern U.S. types. (3) Mechanical gain/attenuation is widely obtained by varying the coil position. (4) Response curves are more heavily damped. (5) Short-period galvanometers are well developed. (6) Older solid-state amplifiers are 1-2 orders of magnitude noisier than American ones. (7) FM tape recording is reasonably well developed. (8) Digital systems are few and rather primitive. (9) FM telemetry is little used. (10) Photo-optical technology is well developed. (11) Recording is narrow-band, emphasizing the response needed in analysis. Appendixes give the main parameters of the computers used and list new seismographic stations. (See also R-1204 and R-1652.)

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Document Details

  • Availability: Available
  • Year: 1975
  • Print Format: Paperback
  • Paperback Pages: 156
  • Paperback Price: $30.00
  • Document Number: R-1647-ARPA


RAND Style Manual
Shishkevish, Charles, Soviet Seismographic Stations and Seismic Instruments, Part II, RAND Corporation, R-1647-ARPA, 1975. As of October 9, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
Shishkevish, Charles, Soviet Seismographic Stations and Seismic Instruments, Part II. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1975. Also available in print form.

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