User's guide to HASE Data. Vol. 2, the survey files
ResearchPublished 1982
ResearchPublished 1982
This report describes the research files compiled from field surveys conducted in two metropolitan housing markets as part of the Housing Assistance Supply Experiment (HASE). The experiment was conducted under contract with HUD. Full-scale housing allowance programs were operated in Brown County, Wisconsin, and St. Joseph County, Indiana. To determine the programs' effects on each housing market and community, RAND conducted 32 surveys in four annual cycles in each site. The surveys included interviews with the owners and occupants of a marketwide sample of properties, and field observations of their buildings and neighborhoods. The survey data are contained in 32 files. This report explains how those files are organized and how they relate to each other, describes the contents of each, and offers advice about file processing and analytic uses of the data. The files are accessible through the Housing Research Data Center operated by Data Use and Access Laboratories in Arlington, Virginia.
This publication is part of the RAND report series. The report series, a product of RAND from 1948 to 1993, represented the principal publication documenting and transmitting RAND's major research findings and final research.
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