The Cost of Special Education
Summary of Study Findings
ResearchPublished 1981
Summary of Study Findings
ResearchPublished 1981
This report summarizes the findings of a RAND study of the cost of special education and related services for handicapped children, using information from a national survey taken in 1977-1978. Sections II and III, respectively, describe the selection of a nationally representative sample and the data collection and analysis methods. Section IV discusses personnel salaries and work-years. Section V summarizes the educational placements and age levels of handicapped students served. Sections VI to XVII discuss the estimated costs of various types of special education and related services. Sections XVIII to XXI summarize the estimated total and added costs of special education and related services, as well as cost-weighting factors. Finally, Sec. XXII presents the variation in the total cost of special education by size of school district enrollment. A full, detailed description of the analyses and findings appears in N-1792.
This publication is part of the RAND report series. The report series, a product of RAND from 1948 to 1993, represented the principal publication documenting and transmitting RAND's major research findings and final research.
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