Patrol Car Allocation Model
Executive Summary
ResearchPublished 1985
Executive Summary
ResearchPublished 1985
This report documents a computer program called the Patrol Car Allocation Model (PCAM85), which is designed to help police departments determine the number of patrol cars to have on duty in each of their geographical commands. It tells a department how to match its resources to the time-varying pattern of demands based on desired levels of performance, manpower schedules, and dispatching policies. This volume describes PCAM in nontechnical terms; the User's Manual (R-3087/2-NIJ) gives complete instructions for collecting data and operating the program; and the Program Description (R-3087/3-NIJ) provides file specifications, installation instructions, and a listing of the program. PCAM85 is a modernized version of a program that was written in 1975 and is documented in reports of identical titles numbered R-1786/1, R-1786/2, and R-1786/3.
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