The Reserve Force Policy Screening Models (POSM)
A User’s Manual
ResearchPublished 1989
A User’s Manual
ResearchPublished 1989
This report is a user’s manual for the Reserve Force Policy Screening Models (POSM), which consist of 48 separate models. Eight separate models for each of the six reserve components include three officer and three enlisted models covering military technicians, full-time personnel, and part-time personnel; a fourth pair contains an aggregate of all three types of personnel. Each personnel inventory projection model incorporates behavioral and nonbehavioral options for projecting force sizes into the future. The models incorporate personnel flow into and out of the force, among the different personnel groups (full-time, military technician, and part-time), and into different year-of-service groups. They can project 14 years or more into the future, using assumptions about end strength or accession levels. The models were built to support a wide range of decisions concerning reserve pay, bonus budgets, recruiting resources, and issues of reserve force growth.
This publication is part of the RAND report series. The report series, a product of RAND from 1948 to 1993, represented the principal publication documenting and transmitting RAND's major research findings and final research.
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