The ISTSS/RAND Guidelines on Mental Health Training of Primary Healthcare Providers for Trauma-Exposed Populations in Conflict-Affected Countries

David Eisenman, Stevan Weine, Bonnie Green, Joop de Jong, Nadine Rayburn, Peter Ventevogel, Allen Keller, Ferid Agani

Published Dec 9, 2005

Mental health care for trauma-exposed populations in conflict-affected developing countries often is provided by primary healthcare providers (PHPs), including doctors, nurses, and lay health workers. The Task Force on International Trauma Training, through an initiative sponsored by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and the RAND Corporation, has developed evidence- and consensus-based guidelines for the mental health training of PHPs in conflict-affected developing countries. This article presents the Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a conceptual framework and specific principles for improving the quality of mental health training for PHPs working with trauma-exposed populations. Recommendations for which empirical evidence is lacking should be the subject of future research.

This is a preprint of an article published in Eisenman D, Weine S, Green B, de Jong J, Rayburn N, Ventevogel P, Keller A, Agani F. The ISTSS/Rand Guidelines on Mental Health Training of Primary Healthcare Providers for Trauma-Exposed Populations in Conflict-Affected Countries, Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol. 19, No. 1, March 27 2006, pp. 5-17.


Document Details

  • Availability: Web-Only
  • Year: 2005
  • Pages: 29
  • Document Number: WR-335


RAND Style Manual
Eisenman, David, Stevan Weine, Bonnie Green, Joop de Jong, Nadine Rayburn, Peter Ventevogel, Allen Keller, and Ferid Agani, The ISTSS/RAND Guidelines on Mental Health Training of Primary Healthcare Providers for Trauma-Exposed Populations in Conflict-Affected Countries, RAND Corporation, WR-335, 2005. As of September 24, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
Eisenman, David, Stevan Weine, Bonnie Green, Joop de Jong, Nadine Rayburn, Peter Ventevogel, Allen Keller, and Ferid Agani, The ISTSS/RAND Guidelines on Mental Health Training of Primary Healthcare Providers for Trauma-Exposed Populations in Conflict-Affected Countries. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2005.

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