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The Pardee RAND Graduate School (PardeeRAND.edu) is home to the only Ph.D. and M.Phil. programs offered at an independent public policy research organization—the RAND Corporation.
Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND
Ph.D. Candidate, Pardee RAND Graduate School, and Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND
Jan 1, 1967
Tables and computation methods for evaluating the load that can be carried by porters under various conditions. The logistic importance of porterage has been a disputed issue in American military planning.
Dec 28, 1966
The analysis describes ground threats to air bases and, based on experience gained during attacks on U.S. Air Force bases in South Vietnam, makes recommendations on how best to improve security of U.S. Air Force bases in Thailand.
Jan 1, 1965
A discussion of the rice premium and agricultural policy in Thailand. The effects of the rice taxes on the farmer, on retail prices, and on government revenues are described.
Jan 1, 1964
A discussion of the assumption that modifications in Thai society aimed at strengthening internal security are likely to be effective to the degree that they take into account the motivations and attitudes of the Thai people and the functioning and r...
Jan 1, 1962
A study of the relationship of political change to political tradition in Thailand. Such topics are discussed as the political philosophy of the Thai population, the make-up of Thai society, the character of Thailand's political groups, and the probl...
An examination of the political relations between Thailand and Communist China from 1949 through 1959. The author discusses: (1) the conditioning of these relations by historical, geographical, and social factors; and (2) the exploitation of the spir...
A discussion of the events occurring in Thailand in 1962 that focused on the northeast region of the country.