Catherine "Katie" Cohen is a nurse scientist and health services researcher at RAND. Her work advances the quality of health care services delivery through research and policy. Her work often includes mixed-methods, including large data analysis and primary data collection, especially from nurses, health care administrators, physicians, and other health care clinicians.  Cohen's research interests center on the prevention of health care-associated infections, and improvements in nursing homes and hospice, especially for older adults. Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, her work has also included preparation for future public health emergencies, both in civilian and military health systems. Further, she is currently co-leading a strategic assessment of the U.S. Coast Guard health care system (PIs: Cohen, Chan). Her work has been funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, National Institutes of Nursing Research, National Institute on Aging and The Wonderful Company. She completed post-doctoral training in comparative and cost-effectiveness methodology at Columbia University School of Nursing's Center for Health Policy. She earned her B.A. in economics and biology from Swarthmore College and completed her B.S. and Ph.D. at Columbia University School of Nursing.


B.A. in economics, biology, Swarthmore College; B.S. in nursing, Columbia University; Ph.D. in nursing, Columbia University

Authored by Catherine C. Cohen

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