Dmitry Khodyakov

Dmitry Khodyakov

Codirector, Center for Qualitative and Mixed Methods; Senior Sociologist; Professor of Policy Analysis, Pardee RAND Graduate School

Dmitry Khodyakov is a senior sociologist at RAND, a codirector of the RAND Center for Qualitative and Mixed Methods, and a professor at the RAND Pardee Graduate School. His research focuses on methods of expert elicitation and stakeholder engagement, Medicare Advantage, intervention/program evaluation, community-based participatory research, and ethics of stakeholder-engaged research. His research has been funded by CMS, NIH, PCORI, and others. 

Khodyakov is an expert in qualitative and mixed-methods research and methods of expert elicitation. His evaluation experience ranges from the Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model and Part D Senior Savings Model to the impact of community-academic partnered approaches on quality improvement intervention implementation and outcomes. He has led teams that developed measures for evaluating community participation in research and a new approach to engaging patients and caregivers in the process of clinical guideline development called the RAND/PPMD Patient-Centeredness Method. Khodyakov also developed the ExpertLens system and methodology for conducting large-scale online expert and stakeholder engagement panels (, taking the Delphi method into the 21st century.

Khodyakov has received major national and international awards, including the 2015 Community Campus Partnerships for Health Annual Award, the 2014 Team Science Award from the Association for Clinical and Translational Science, the 2014 Lawrence W. Green Paper of the Year Award from Health & Education Behavior, the 2011 New Investigator Award from the National Institute of Mental Health, and the 2006 Award for Junior Sociologists from the International Sociological Association. His Ph.D. in sociology is from Rutgers University.


Ph.D. in sociology, Rutgers University; M.A. in economy and society, Central European University, Warsaw; B.A. in sociology and psychology, University of Missouri

Selected Work

  • Khodyakov, Dmitry, Sean Grant, Jack Kroger, and Melissa Bauman, RAND Methodological Guidance for Conducting and Critically Appraising Delphi Panels, RAND Corporation (TL-A3082-1), 2023
  • Dmitry Khodyakov, Christine Eibner, Erin Audrey Taylor, Rebecca Anhang Price, Christine Buttorff, Matthew Cefalu, Brian G. Vegetabile, Julia Bandini, Monique Martineau, Catherine C. Cohen, Michael Dworsky, Marika Booth, Alice Y. Kim, Julie Lai, Shiyuan Zh, Evaluation of Phase II of the Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model Test: First Two Years of Implementation (2020–2021) (PR-A1881-1)
  • Erin Audrey Taylor, Dmitry Khodyakov, Christine Buttorff, Stacie B. Dusetzina, Preethi Rao, Zachary Predmore, Matthew Cefalu, Catherine E. Cooke, Asa Wilks, Shiyuan Zhang, Sarah Dalton, Monique Martineau, Part D Senior Savings Model: Model Reach and Scope (PR-A1716-1)
  • Dmitry Khodyakov, Sean Grant, Brian Denger, Kathi Kinnett, Ann Martin, Marika Booth, Courtney Armstrong, Emily Dao, Christine Chen, Ian Coulter, Holly Peay, Glen Hazlewood, Natalie Street, "Using an Online, Modified Delphi Approach to Engage Patients and Caregivers in Determining the Patient-Centeredness of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Care Considerations," Medical Decision Making, 39(8), 2019
  • Khodyakov, Dmitry, Susan Stockdale, Felica Jones, Elizabeth Ohito, Andrea Jones, Elizabeth Lizaola, and Joeseph Mango, "An Exploration of the Effect of Community Engagement in Research on Perceived Outcomes of Partnered Mental Health Services Projects," Society and Mental Health, 1(3), 2011
  • Khodyakov, Dmitry, Susanne Hempel, Lisa Rubenstein, Paul Shekelle, Robbie Foy, Susanne Salem-Schatz, Sean O'Neill, Margie Danz, and Siddhartha Dalal, "Conducting Online Expert Panels: A Feasibility and Experimental Replicability Study," BMC Medical Research Methodology, 11, 2011
  • Khodyakov, Dmitry, Lisa Mikesell, Ron Schraiber, Marika Booth, and Elizabeth Bromley, "On Using Ethical Principles of Community-Engaged Research in Translational Science," Translational Research, 171, 2016
  • Dmitry Khodyakov, Alexandria Mendoza-Graf, Sandra Berry, Camille Nebeker, and Elizabeth Bromley, "Return of Value in the New Era of Biomedical Research – One Size Will Not Fit All," AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 10(4), 2019

Authored by Dmitry Khodyakov

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