Tom LaTourrette

Tom LaTourrette

Senior Physical Scientist

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Tom LaTourrette is a senior physical scientist at RAND with over 20 years of experience in infrastructure, energy, and public safety policy. His research covers seabed mining and critical minerals supply chains; risks and mitigation to infrastructure related to hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, sea level rise, and terrorism; renewable, nuclear, and fossil energy resources and technologies; safety evaluation, technology, and regulation; and terrorism risk modeling and technology deployment. He has testified before the Secretary of Energy's Blue-Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future and has been on advisory panels for the Government Accountability Office, FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program, and the California Little Hoover Commission. He holds a Ph.D. in geology from the California Institute of Technology.


Ph.D. in geology, California Institute of Technology; B.A. in geology, University of California, Berkeley

Selected Work

  • LaTourrette, Tom, Todd C. Helmus, and Irina A. Chindea, China's Role in the Global Development of Critical Resources: Case Studies in Coal Power, Electricity Transmission, and Seabed Mining, RAND Corporation (RR-A2096-1), 2022
  • LaTourrette, Tom, Defining Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices for Process Safety Management, RAND Corporation (RR-A1866-1), 2022
  • Miller, Benjamin M., Tom LaTourrette, Drake Warren, and David Metz, The National Institute of Standards and Technology's Impact on Fire Safety Standards, RAND Corporation (RR-A1100-1), 2022
  • LaTourrette, Tom, Benjamin M. Miller, Teddy Ulin, Kristin Van Abel, Krista Langeland, and Nupur Nanda, Public Buildings in Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria: Prestorm Challenges, Hurricane Damage, and Suggested Courses of Action for Recovery, RAND Corporation (RR-2606-DHS), 2020
  • Preston, Benjamin Lee, Tom LaTourrette, James R. Broyles, R. J. Briggs, David Catt, Christopher Nelson, Jeanne S. Ringel, and Daniel A. Waxman, Updating the Costs of Compliance for California's Hospital Seismic Safety Standards, RAND Corporation (RR-3059-CHA), 2019
  • LaTourrette T, Lauland A, Fischbach J, Berg N, Stelzner C, Assessing Vulnerability and Improving Resilience of Critical Emergency Management Infrastructure in California in a Changing Climate, California Natural Resources Agency, 2018
  • Dixon, Lloyd, Tom LaTourrette, David A. Galvan, Charles A. Goldman, Nidhi Kalra, Christopher Nelson, Flavia Tsang, Paul S. Steinberg, James Lyons, Jerry Bowers, and Bob Katin, Process and Outcome Evaluation of the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, California Energy Commission (RR-1948-CEC), 2017
  • Tom LaTourrette, "Risk factors for injury in law enforcement officer vehicle crashes," Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 38(3), 2015

Authored by Tom LaTourrette

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