Policy Analysis of Water Management for the Netherlands
Vol. XII, Model for Regional Hydrology, Agricultural Water Demands and Damages from Drought and Salinity
ResearchPublished 1982
Vol. XII, Model for Regional Hydrology, Agricultural Water Demands and Damages from Drought and Salinity
ResearchPublished 1982
This volume describes the District Hydrologic and Agriculture Model (DISTAG). It describes methodology only, and contains no results or conclusions about water management for the Netherlands — such results appear in other volumes. DISTAG simulates the hydrologic cycle. It assumes that the amount of rain and conditions determining evaporation are known, as are hydrologic conditions (e.g., quantity of water stored in the soil) at the beginning of a time interval. It then determines how much water actually evaporates, both directly and in the form of transpiration from plants; how much water and salt remain in the soil; how much water and salt drain out of the soil into the surface water system; and the groundwater level. In addition to these strictly hydrologic quantities, the model also computes quantity of water and operating cost of sprinkling and drought and water damage to crops.
This publication is part of the RAND note series. The note was a product of RAND from 1979 to 1993 that reported miscellaneous outputs of sponsored research for general distribution.
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