Using Video and Audio Diaries to Better Understand Study Participant Experiences

A Pilot Study in Feasibility and Acceptability

Alina I. Palimaru, Joseph Ebinger, Ishita Ghai, Audrey Vaughn, Sebastian Linnemayr

Published May 3, 2024

Using a small sample of 18 patients from a larger pilot randomized control trial, the authors explore how video and audio diaries collected during the intervention may help in better understanding patient experiences with randomized control trial interventions. Overall, participants found it easy to record their video or audio diaries, although participants’ comfort and perceived value of doing so declined over time.


Document Details


RAND Style Manual
Palimaru, Alina I., Joseph Ebinger, Ishita Ghai, Audrey Vaughn, and Sebastian Linnemayr, Using Video and Audio Diaries to Better Understand Study Participant Experiences: A Pilot Study in Feasibility and Acceptability, RAND Corporation, WR-A3330-1, 2024. As of September 24, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
Palimaru, Alina I., Joseph Ebinger, Ishita Ghai, Audrey Vaughn, and Sebastian Linnemayr, Using Video and Audio Diaries to Better Understand Study Participant Experiences: A Pilot Study in Feasibility and Acceptability. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2024.

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This research was conducted within the Quality Measurement and Improvement Program in RAND Health Care.

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