Drawing upon decades of experience, RAND provides research services, systematic analysis, and innovative thinking to a global clientele that includes government agencies, foundations, and private-sector firms.
The Pardee RAND Graduate School (PardeeRAND.edu) is home to the only Ph.D. and M.Phil. programs offered at an independent public policy research organization—the RAND Corporation.
Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND
Assistant Policy Researcher; Ph.D. Candidate, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Journal Article
Feb 26, 2024
While safe areas are intuitively attractive, their effectiveness depends on the resources and resolve of the implementing forces, rules of engagement, and geography.
Jul 2, 2020
External powers have intervened in the civil wars in Libya and Syria, supplying advanced conventional weapons that have intensified the conflicts. But not all of the weapons have performed as claimed.
Jun 30, 2020
Russia is seeking more access and freedom of movement in the Mediterranean region, and is bolstering its military footprint to achieve this objective. The United States and NATO could respond by developing a more robust southern strategy, with a reinforced air and naval presence, respectively.
Jun 2, 2020
The Libyan conflict, now entering its ninth year, could well be a testing ground for how wars will be fought in the future. External nation-states have long interfered in other countries' civil wars, so what is new, exactly, about what is happening in Libya?
May 2, 2020
بينما تعاني معظم البلدان من جائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد (COVID-19)، أصبحت الحروب الأهلية في سوريا وليبيا ساحات قتال للدول الأجنبية التي تدعم أطرافًا محلية مختلفة. لقد تدخلت القوى الخارجية في كلتا الحربين الأهليتين بتزويدهما بأسلحة تقليدية متطورة أدت إلى اشتداد حدة الصراعات، ولكن لم يصل أداء معظم تلك الأسلحة لمستوى ما كان يُزعم عنها. ولعل أكثر الأمثلة المدهشة على ذلك هو كيف كانت أنظمة الدفاع الجوي الروسية الحديثة غير فعالة في مواجهة الطائرات بدون طيار والصواريخ التي تحلق على ارتفاع منخفض. في المواجهة بين أنظمة دفاع جوي باهظة الثمن وطائرات بدون طيار هجومية منخفضة التكلفة وصواريخ تحلق على ارتفاع منخفض، كفة الهجوم هي الرابحة.
Dec 13, 2019
Weapons proliferation has been a security concern for Libya and its neighbors since the revolution of 2011. If foreign arms transfers into Libya aren't reduced, the country's security situation will continue to deteriorate, giving militant groups a chance to increase their lethality and further destabilize the region.
Oct 31, 2019
Russia's 2015 military intervention in Syria's civil war took many by surprise. The authors of this report assess where and under what conditions Moscow could intervene again by analyzing the factors that drive Russian decisionmaking on intervention.
Mar 27, 2019
The Libyan Civil War has largely been contained to pockets of violence. Prolonged battles decimated cities such as Benghazi, Derna, and Sirte, but the majority of the country has been spared large-scale destruction. However, that could change soon.
Jun 1, 2018
The prospect of a U.S.-North Korea summit has led to analogies between the present case and that of Libya, which abandoned its longstanding quest to develop nuclear weapons in 2003. But a better precedent would be the 2015 deal that froze Iran's nuclear weapons program.
Feb 19, 2018
Many of ISIS's surviving fighters will seek out new battlefields to continue waging jihad. By coordinating with its allies around the globe, the U.S. could work to help alleviate the conditions that lead states to fail, making them less appealing as sanctuaries where terrorists can rest, rearm, and recuperate.
Sep 25, 2017
Treating migration from Libya as a border security issue has reduced migration across the Mediterranean. But efforts to keep migrants in Libya are fraught with risks, exacerbate a massive human rights problem, and do not address Libya's long-term economic and political stabilization.
Jul 7, 2017
Since Gadhafi was removed from power, Gulf nations have been vying for position in Libya through proxy forces to influence political outcomes. Libya's rival militias — armed and funded by their respective Gulf sponsors — set the framework for the civil conflict that erupted in 2014 and continues today. Current tensions between Qatar and its neighbors are adding to the instability.