Why Prison Education Matters

More than 2.2 million people are locked up in American prisons. About 700,000 prisoners are released into their communities every year, and approximately 40 percent of them will find themselves back behind bars within three years. But a landmark RAND study shows participation in any kind of educational program while behind bars can help break the cycle. RAND found that correctional education programs substantially reduced an individual's risk of being reincarcerated and that such programs are cost effective—every dollar invested in correctional education saves nearly five dollars in reincarceration costs over three years.

In collaboration with the Michelson 20MM Foundation, RAND invites you to listen to our panel of experts discuss the costs and benefits of using education to stop the prison revolving door, and the effectiveness of programs like The Last Mile, which prepares inmates for reentry by providing them with marketable skills.



Lois Davis

Senior Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation; Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School

Chris Redlitz

Chris Redlitz

Founder, The Last Mile; Managing Partner, Transmedia Capital

Kenyatta Leal

Kenyatta Leal

Founding Member & First Graduate, The Last Mile

Frank Stoltze

Frank Stoltze (Moderator)

Correspondent, KPCC