RAND Review
Vol. 32, No. 1, Spring 2008
Published Apr 19, 2008
Vol. 32, No. 1, Spring 2008
Published Apr 19, 2008
In the cover story, RAND researchers diagnose both the health status of newborns and the quality of neonatal care systems across the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Sweden. The authors suggest what the countries might learn from one another — not just about neonatal health care services but also about national health care management. A feature story and centerpiece about water resources highlight broadly applicable lessons for water managers across America and around the world who must slake the thirst of expanding populations while facing uncertain changes in global climate. Additional features discuss the transformation of U.S. policies toward Asia and the polarization of U.S. domestic politics. Other stories discuss the utility of a terrorism database for securing America's railroads, diversity in the workplace, crime rates among immigrants, alleviating malnutrition in India, promoting modernization in North Korea, environmental approaches to obesity, and the dividends of immigration for aging societies
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