The present study to support the preparation of an impact assessment aims to provide non-binding, factual and not pre-emptive recommendations for possible additional EU measures in the area of intra-EU law enforcement cooperation and to assess and compare the impacts of identified policy options. Through detailed desk research and numerous data collection activities, the problems and drivers related to cross-border cooperation, the need for EU action, the relevant policy objectives, and operational recommendations for potential EU action were identified during Phase 1. The main causes of the current problems relate to access to and exchange of information and operational cooperation. In Phase 2, the operational recommendations were further elaborated and clustered into two policy options in addition to the baseline scenario. Subsequently, an assessment of the impacts was performed for the three policy options, covering e.g. the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency and coherence. Based on this assessment, a ranking and comparison of the two policy options' performance vis-à-vis the baseline scenario was conducted, applying a Multi-Criteria-Analysis. Finally, this study covered the identification of policy option 2 as the preferred policy option, which constitutes a legal proposal on minimum standards that is flanked by supporting (soft) measures.