Enabling the Information Society by Stimulating the Creation of a Broadband Environment in Europe

Analyses of Evolution Scenarios for Future Networking Technologies and Networks in Europe

Maarten Botterman, Robert H. Anderson, Paul van Binst, Jonathan Cave, Martin C. Libicki, Andreas Ligtvoet, Robbin te Velde, Gert-Jan de Vries

ResearchPublished 2003

This report, Enabling the Information Society by Stimulating the Creation of a Broadband Environment in Europe, is the result of a study commissioned by the Directorate General Information Society of the European Commission. It is intended to create a better understanding of the pace and direction of developments in this area, mapped against an uncertain future, and to recommend policy options for government intervention as a background against which political decision making can take place. The study provides an analysis of the development of electronic networks in Europe and North America and their technical, economic and political drivers. It includes four scenarios depicting possible futures of electronic networks in Europe, a framework for policy formulation, analyses of selected current policies and observations regarding possible policy measures and the input of experts and stakeholders in the field during a workshop in Brussels. It concludes with a series of observations and recommendations for policy action and further research.

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Document Details

  • Availability: Available
  • Year: 2003
  • Print Format: Paperback
  • Paperback Pages: 104
  • Paperback Price: $30.00
  • Paperback ISBN/EAN: 978-0-8330-3336-9
  • Document Number: MR-1579-EC


RAND Style Manual
Botterman, Maarten, Robert H. Anderson, Paul van Binst, Jonathan Cave, Martin C. Libicki, Andreas Ligtvoet, Robbin te Velde, and Gert-Jan de Vries, Enabling the Information Society by Stimulating the Creation of a Broadband Environment in Europe: Analyses of Evolution Scenarios for Future Networking Technologies and Networks in Europe, RAND Corporation, MR-1579-EC, 2003. As of October 11, 2024: https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1579.html
Chicago Manual of Style
Botterman, Maarten, Robert H. Anderson, Paul van Binst, Jonathan Cave, Martin C. Libicki, Andreas Ligtvoet, Robbin te Velde, and Gert-Jan de Vries, Enabling the Information Society by Stimulating the Creation of a Broadband Environment in Europe: Analyses of Evolution Scenarios for Future Networking Technologies and Networks in Europe. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2003. https://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1579.html. Also available in print form.

Research conducted by

This report was prepared by RAND Europe in partnership with Université Libre de Bruxelles.

This publication is part of the RAND monograph report series. The monograph report was a product of RAND from 1993 to 2003. RAND monograph reports presented major research findings that addressed the challenges facing the public and private sectors. They included executive summaries, technical documentation, and synthesis pieces.

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