Concepts, Data Requirements, and Uses of the LOC Interdiction Model as Applied to North Vietnam

J. W. Higgins

ResearchPublished 1970

Provides a user's guide to the Lines of Communication Interdiction Model described mathematically in previous studies. The model was developed to analyze air attacks against the North Vietnamese transportation network, but is applicable to interdiction campaigns against any small ground transportation system. It represents the flow of tonnage through the network, the assignment of attacks against fixed facilities, and the changes in flow capacity, routings, and costs caused by the attacks. The results include data on network capacity as well as transportation and repair costs. The model can also be used to evaluate alternative strategies, the effectiveness of modified interdiction tactics and weapons, and the impact on the interdiction campaign of changes in the network. Inputs for individual network links include preinterdiction capacity in tons per day, preinterdiction cost in man-days per ton, and the target. Subsequent inputs for each link are based on the target selected, the potential damage, and its effect on transportation operations. (See also RM-5864, RM-5940.)

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Document Details

  • Availability: Available
  • Year: 1970
  • Print Format: Paperback
  • Paperback Pages: 52
  • Paperback Price: $23.00
  • Document Number: RM-6065-PR


RAND Style Manual
Higgins, J. W., Concepts, Data Requirements, and Uses of the LOC Interdiction Model as Applied to North Vietnam, RAND Corporation, RM-6065-PR, 1970. As of October 8, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
Higgins, J. W., Concepts, Data Requirements, and Uses of the LOC Interdiction Model as Applied to North Vietnam. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1970. Also available in print form.

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