Understanding social sciences, humanities and arts for people and the economy (SHAPE) R&D in the UK and internationally

Isabel Flanagan, Dominic Yiangou, Cecilia Ang, Sarah Parkinson, Susan Guthrie

ResearchPublished Jul 27, 2023

The British Academy commissioned RAND Europe to conduct a research project on 'Understanding the social sciences, humanities and arts for people and the economy (SHAPE)  Research and Development (R&D) in the UK and internationally'. The project was commissioned in response to concerns that current definitions of business R&D used in UK government datasets do not fully capture the extent and role of SHAPE R&D in the UK economy (Hasan Bakhshi, Breckon and Puttick 2021). A narrow definition of R&D, which does not fully recognise the contribution of the arts, humanities and social sciences, risks undervaluing the contribution of SHAPE R&D (Hasan Bakhshi, Breckon and Puttick 2021).

This report aims to further investigate these issues and develop a fuller picture of the way SHAPE R&D is understood and captured in the UK economy and more widely. A mixed methods approach is taken through five work packages (WPs). Data collection methods include: a literature review, interviews, and data analysis. Evidence across these methodologies is triangulated to identify key messages pertaining to SHAPE R&D in the UK and internationally. For the international comparative analysis, five countries (Denmark, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland) are included. This report also includes analysis of key R&D industries in the UK: arts, entertainment and recreation; financial and insurance activities; information and communication; manufacturing; professional, scientific and technical activities; and wholesale and retail. These industries were chosen based on their high levels of R&D expenditure, contributions to the wider UK economy and overlap with SHAPE subjects and skills.

Key Findings

Main UK findings:

  • Business R&D is concentrated in a small number of key sectors, and most of these employ many non-science graduates.
  • Business R&D activity can be defined in many different ways, but stakeholders often implicitly associate R&D with STEM.
  • R&D employment data suggests SHAPE R&D comprises a small proportion of all business R&D.
  • Collaboration is key to SHAPE R&D.
  • Several sectors in which SHAPE plays an important role have a low level of engagement with R&D tax credits.

Main international findings:

  • International comparators have broader R&D definitions which are more likely to recognise SHAPE R&D activities. Other countries use a more inclusive definition of R&D than the UK.
  • However, the inclusion of SHAPE in R&D definitions of R&D is often implicit rather than explicit.
  • Data on R&D is typically captured using surveys.
  • Tax credits are commonly used and provide another useful dataset on R&D expenditure.
  • Very few countries produce breakdowns of SHAPE and non-SHAPE R&D which makes international comparisons difficult.


We outline three key recommendations to how SHAPE R&D can be more recognised in the UK.

  • Capture information on SHAPE R&D in routine data collection. Understanding the extent and importance of SHAPE R&D to UK business is critical to enable planning of skills needs.
  • Make definitions of R&D clear and consistent and engage with key industry stakeholders to ensure clarity and understanding. Lack of clarity can impact the consistency and quality of data to support decision making.
  • Consider person-centred measures of R&D and measures of expenditure. Analyse the role and movement of people and their skills and capabilities to capture the diverse contributions that SHAPE graduates can make to R&D.


Document Details


RAND Style Manual
Flanagan, Isabel, Dominic Yiangou, Cecilia Ang, Sarah Parkinson, and Susan Guthrie, Understanding social sciences, humanities and arts for people and the economy (SHAPE) R&D in the UK and internationally, RAND Corporation, RR-A2001-1, 2023. As of October 6, 2024: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA2001-1.html
Chicago Manual of Style
Flanagan, Isabel, Dominic Yiangou, Cecilia Ang, Sarah Parkinson, and Susan Guthrie, Understanding social sciences, humanities and arts for people and the economy (SHAPE) R&D in the UK and internationally. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2023. https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA2001-1.html.

Research conducted by

The research described in this report was commissioned by the British Academy and conducted by RAND Europe.

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