Drawing upon decades of experience, RAND provides research services, systematic analysis, and innovative thinking to a global clientele that includes government agencies, foundations, and private-sector firms.
The Pardee RAND Graduate School (PardeeRAND.edu) is home to the only Ph.D. and M.Phil. programs offered at an independent public policy research organization—the RAND Corporation.
Ph.D. Student, Pardee RAND Graduate School, and Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND
Most relevant regions
Jan 5, 2018
Most U.S. middle and high schools start at 8:00 a.m. or earlier. Delaying school start times could help address health and academic problems, and boost the U.S. economy.
Oct 23, 2017
To better understand the value and effectiveness of out-of-school-time programs, RAND researchers examined programs through the lenses of content, dosage (the hours of content provided), and outcomes measured.
يهدف هذا المنظور التحليلي لفهم قيمة وفعالية البرامج المُنَفَّذَة خارج أوقات المدرسة بشكل أفضل. قام باحثو RAND بفحص البرامج من خلال عدسات المحتوى والمقدار (عدد ساعات المحتوى الذي يتمّ تقديمه)، والنتائج التي يتم قياسها.
This report examines the efforts by summer leaders in Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Rochester to integrate their summer learning programs into the core priorities and operations of the larger school district as a strategy to increase sustainability.
تتناول هذه الدراسة الجهود التي يبذلها قادة البرامج الصيفية في دالاس، بيتسبرغ ، وروتشستر لدمج برامجهم التعليمية الصيفية في الأولويات الأساسية للبرامج على مستوى المناطق المدرسية، كاستراتيجية لزيادة الاستدامة لهذه البرامج الصيفية.
Oct 11, 2017
This report takes stock of the implementation of the New York Community Schools Initiative as of the 2016-2017 school year by analyzing data from the first two full years of program implementation.
Journal Article
Jun 9, 2017
A review of studies on school-based mental health services showed benefits across a range of school outcomes for teens.
Feb 13, 2017
Teachers at two schools in England are wearing body cameras as part of a pilot program aimed at stopping classroom disruption. How they use the cameras could be counter-productive and may even escalate disruptive situations.
Sep 26, 2016
Free school meal eligibility is not a perfect measure of student disadvantage, but it's the best there is. Other measures, such as parental education or neighborhood deprivation have also been used, but they are not as good at determining which schools are most in need.
Sep 7, 2016
This infographic summarizes several student outcomes from an assessment of five voluntary, district-led summer learning programs offered at no cost to low-income, urban elementary students.
Research Brief
This brief summarizes the outcomes of two summers of voluntary academic programming (2013 and 2014) on 3,192 low-income urban students accepted into the programs who had completed third grade before the first summer.
News Release
Elementary school students with high levels of attendance in voluntary summer learning programs led by urban districts experienced benefits in math and reading.