Design for a National Longitudinal Study of School Desegregation

Volume III Appendices

Robert L. Crain, Pierce Barker, Francois G. Christen, J. Ward Keesling, Nicelma J. King, Gerald C. Sumner, Margaret Ann Thomas, O. J. Van Eck

ResearchPublished 1974

Appendecies for a series of reports permitting the design for a major set of studies to answer a variety of questions about the effects of desegregation on schools and students and to help uncover educational techniques which will help desegregated schools to succeed in providing quality education and good human relations. Several longitudinal studies are proposed, linked together in order to share a common database. This study covers issues in theory and method.

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Document Details

  • Availability: Available
  • Year: 1974
  • Print Format: Paperback
  • Paperback Pages: 374
  • Paperback Price: $55.00
  • Document Number: R-1516/3-USCCR


RAND Style Manual
Crain, Robert L., Pierce Barker, Francois G. Christen, J. Ward Keesling, Nicelma J. King, Gerald C. Sumner, Margaret Ann Thomas, and O. J. Van Eck, Design for a National Longitudinal Study of School Desegregation: Volume III Appendices, RAND Corporation, R-1516/3-USCCR, 1974. As of October 14, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
Crain, Robert L., Pierce Barker, Francois G. Christen, J. Ward Keesling, Nicelma J. King, Gerald C. Sumner, Margaret Ann Thomas, and O. J. Van Eck, Design for a National Longitudinal Study of School Desegregation: Volume III Appendices. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1974. Also available in print form.

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