Expanding Operating and Support Cost Analysis for Major Programs During the DoD Acquisition Process
Legal Requirements, Current Practices, and Recommendations
ResearchPublished Sep 17, 2018
The Office of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation was established to perform a broad set of cost analysis duties related to major defense acquisition programs. Subsequent laws have mandated additional duties. But the personnel, data, expertise, and other resources to fulfill these additional duties are not always available. The authors examine the requirements and offer recommendations for obtaining the resources to complete required analyses.
Legal Requirements, Current Practices, and Recommendations
ResearchPublished Sep 17, 2018
The Weapon System Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 established the Office of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and mandated a broad set of cost analysis duties, including conducting independent cost estimates (ICEs) and independent cost assessments (ICAs) for major defense acquisition programs at key acquisition milestones. Subsequent laws have mandated additional duties, especially related to program operating and support (O&S) costs, including requirements to conduct or approve life-cycle cost estimates early in acquisition, identify risk drivers in estimates at milestone decisions, and examine alternatives that may reduce O&S costs. The authors assessed the cost analysis requirements for O&S costs by reviewing relevant laws and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) guidance; assessed the resources available to conduct the analyses, including numbers of cost-estimating personnel, the data typically available to inform cost analyses, and cost-estimating processes and timelines; interviewed government and industry subject-matter experts to understand past and current DoD cost-analysis activities; reviewed the literature; and developed recommendations to improve weapon system O&S cost analysis during the acquisition phase. The authors found that CAPE lacks sufficient personnel and data to perform all the cost activities mandated by law or to do them with rigor. Recommendations include steps to match CAPE personnel levels with the workload and provide cost analysts access to the relevant data, including expertise in product-support activities, needed to inform cost estimates.
This research was sponsored by the Office of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation within the Office of the Secretary of Defense and conducted within the Acquisition and Technology Policy Center of the RAND National Defense Research Institute, a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the defense agencies, and the defense Intelligence Community.
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