Evaluating chronic disease management

Recommendations for funders and users

Ellen Nolte, Annalijn Conklin, John L. Adams, Matthias Brunn, Benjamin Cadier, Karine Chevreul, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, Arianne Elissen, Antje Erler, Maria Flamm, et al.

ResearchPublished Apr 4, 2012

The report forms part of the DISMEVAL project, funded under the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. It is targeted at policymakers, programme operators and researchers, explaining choices, options and trade-offs for the evaluation of disease management based on analyses undertaken within the project. Many of the issues discussed can be seen to apply to any evaluation of complex interventions in healthcare. However, there are specific concerns around evaluation design and metrics that are of relevance to the evaluation of disease management in particular and that are examined in the report. These include (i) the context for evaluating disease management, exploring the reasons for undertaking evaluation in the first place and explaining some of the underlying principles for doing so; (ii) the methods and metrics for evaluating disease management, focusing specifically on themes that have emerged as being pertinent to work carried out within the DISMEVAL project; (iii) practical considerations for disease management evaluation, based on experience of work undertaken in DISMEVAL; and (v) the broader challenges and lessons learned that may be relevant for policymakers, funders and practitioners interested in the use and usefulness of disease management evaluation more generally. This publication provides a major resource to guide the evaluation of disease management interventions in European settings and so contributes to strengthening the evidence-base required to inform the selection of efficient and effective interventions to address the growing burden of chronic disease in Europe.


Document Details

  • Publisher: RAND Corporation
  • Availability: Web-Only
  • Year: 2012
  • Pages: 100
  • Document Number: TR-1213-EC


RAND Style Manual
Nolte, Ellen, Annalijn Conklin, John L. Adams, Matthias Brunn, Benjamin Cadier, Karine Chevreul, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, Arianne Elissen, Antje Erler, Maria Flamm, Anne Frølich, Birgit Fullerton, Ramune Jacobsen, Cécile Knai, Robert Krohn, Boris Pöhlmann, Zuleika Saz Parkinson, Antonio Sarria Santamera, Andreas Sönnichsen, and Hubertus Vrijhoef, Evaluating chronic disease management: Recommendations for funders and users, RAND Corporation, TR-1213-EC, 2012. As of September 12, 2024: https://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR1213.html
Chicago Manual of Style
Nolte, Ellen, Annalijn Conklin, John L. Adams, Matthias Brunn, Benjamin Cadier, Karine Chevreul, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, Arianne Elissen, Antje Erler, Maria Flamm, Anne Frølich, Birgit Fullerton, Ramune Jacobsen, Cécile Knai, Robert Krohn, Boris Pöhlmann, Zuleika Saz Parkinson, Antonio Sarria Santamera, Andreas Sönnichsen, and Hubertus Vrijhoef, Evaluating chronic disease management: Recommendations for funders and users. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2012. https://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/TR1213.html.

Research conducted by

The reseach described in this document was prepared for the European Commission on behalf of the DISMEVAL Consortium and conducted by RAND Europe.

This publication is part of the RAND technical report series. RAND technical reports, products of RAND from 2003 to 2011, presented research findings on a topic limited in scope or intended for a narrow audience; discussions of the methodology employed in research; literature reviews, survey instruments, modeling exercises, guidelines for practitioners and research professionals, and supporting documentation; and preliminary findings. All RAND technical reports were subject to rigorous peer review to ensure high standards for research quality and objectivity.

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