Trends and Educational Differentials in Marriage Formation Among Taiwanese Women

Yi-Chuan Chang, Jui-Chung Allen Li

Published Nov 11, 2011

Using data pooled from 15 waves of the Women's Marriage, Fertility, and Employment Survey, this paper documents trends and educational differentials in marriage formation among Taiwanese women born between 1910 and 1979. Estimates of hazard rates and cumulative probabilities of first marriage show that women born in more recent cohorts married later and less often than those born in earlier cohorts; likewise, more highly educated women tended to marry later and less often than their less educated counterparts. Educational differentials have increased across successive birth cohorts, such that one in four college-educated women born in the 1960s was never married by age 40.


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RAND Style Manual
Chang, Yi-Chuan and Jui-Chung Allen Li, Trends and Educational Differentials in Marriage Formation Among Taiwanese Women, RAND Corporation, WR-891, 2011. As of September 24, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
Chang, Yi-Chuan and Jui-Chung Allen Li, Trends and Educational Differentials in Marriage Formation Among Taiwanese Women. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2011.

This paper series made possible by the NIA funded RAND Center for the Study of Aging and the NICHD funded RAND Population Research Center.

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