Peter S. Hussey

Peter S. Hussey

Vice President and Director, RAND Health Care; Senior Policy Researcher; Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School

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Peter Hussey is vice president and director of RAND Health Care, a senior policy researcher at the RAND Corporation, and a professor at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. Previously, he directed the RAND Health Services Delivery Systems program. As director of RAND Health Care, he manages one of the world's largest health policy research organizations, with over 200 experts working on over 200 projects at any point in time. His research career has focused on innovations in health care payment and delivery. Hussey is the author of over 100 publications and has presented widely on health policy topics to practitioners, researchers, and policymakers. Prior to joining RAND, Hussey worked at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris, France. He received his Ph.D. in health policy and management from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


Ph.D. in health policy and management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; B.A. in biology, Johns Hopkins University

Selected Work

  • 63.Anderson GF, Hussey PS, Petrosyan V, "It’s Still the Prices, Stupid: Why the U.S. Spends So Much on Health Care, and a Tribute to Uwe Reinhardt," Health Affairs, 38(1), 2019
  • Price RA, Sloss EM, Cefalu M, Farmer CM, Hussey PS, "Comparing Quality of Care in Veterans Affairs and Non-Veterans Affairs Settings," Journal of General Internal Medicine, 33(10), 2018
  • Hussey PS, Liu JL, White C, "The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act: Effects on Medicare Payment Policy and Spending," Health Affairs, 36(4), 2017
  • Hussey PS, Friedberg MW, Anhang Price R, Lovejoy SL, Damberg CL, "Episode-Based Approaches to Measuring Health Care Quality," Medical Care Research and Review, 74(2), 2017
  • Hussey PS, Timbie JW, Burgette LF, Wenger NS, Nyweide DJ, Kahn KL, "Appropriateness of Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Ordering Before and After Implementation of Clinical Decision Support Systems," JAMA, 313(21), 2015
  • Hussey PS, Wertheimer S, Mehrotra A, "The Association Between Health Care Quality and Cost: A Systematic Review," Annals of Internal Medicine , 158(1), 2013
  • Hussey PS, Ridgely MS, Rosenthal MB, "The PROMETHEUS Bundled Payment Experiment: Slow Start Shows Problems in Implementing New Payment Models," Health Affairs, 30(11), 2011
  • Hussey PS, Eibner C, Ridgely MS, McGlynn EA, "Controlling U.S. Health Care Spending — Separating Promising from Unpromising Approaches," New England Journal of Medicine, 361(22), 2009

Authored by Peter S. Hussey

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