Research Funding for Women's Health: A Modeling Study of Societal Impact
Findings for Lung Cancer
Published Nov 1, 2022
Findings for Lung Cancer
Published Nov 1, 2022
Research impact analysis is a framework for supporting decision making about research funding allocation. Economic modeling aids with such impact analysis. Microsimulation models provide a method of quantifying the potential future impact of additions to research investment. Using microsimulation analyses, we examined the societal cost impact of increasing research funding in lung cancer. We quantified the potential impact of increasing funding on women's health on health outcomes and ultimate societal costs including healthcare expenditures, labor productivity of informal caregivers, and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). We calculated impacts across 30 years of two funding scenarios: doubling the current percent of the National Institutes of Health extramural lung cancer portfolio devoted to women's health, and tripling that investment. Impact of a current investment was assumed to occur in 10 years, with benefits accruing after that.
This research was sponsored by Women's Health Access Matters and conducted by the Social and Behavioral Policy Program within RAND Social and Economic Well-Being.
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