Federal Programs Supporting Educational Change, Vol. III
The Process of Change Appendix C. Innovations in Bilingual Education
ResearchPublished 1975
The Process of Change Appendix C. Innovations in Bilingual Education
ResearchPublished 1975
Appendix C to Vol. III in a series of reports, sponsored by the U.S. Office of Education, on federally funded (change agent) programs designed to introduce and spread innovative practices in public schools. This appendix deals with Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which aims to provide model projects for children of limited English-speaking ability and also to maintain and encourage "cultural pluralism" in American education. The appendix outlines USOE planning strategies and the role of the state education agencies. The synthesis of the fieldwork case studies (six are included) describes the similarities and differences found in the planning, implementation, and adaptation of each of the projects covered. Title VII projects are typically very visible. They don't show as much variation in success as would be expected, because there is usually more congruence with attendance area needs, if not district objectives.
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