Joint All-Domain Command and Control for Modern Warfare
An Analytic Framework for Identifying and Developing Artificial Intelligence Applications
ResearchPublished Jul 1, 2020
The authors examine and recommend opportunities for applying artificial intelligence (AI) and, more broadly, automation to deliberate planning for joint all-domain command and control (JADC2) for the U.S. Air Force. Moving to a modernized JADC2 requires various stakeholders to collaborate to set policy, guidance, tactics, techniques, procedures, training and exercising, infrastructure, and tools, likely leveraging AI, to operationalize concepts.
An Analytic Framework for Identifying and Developing Artificial Intelligence Applications
ResearchPublished Jul 1, 2020
The authors examine and recommend opportunities for applying artificial intelligence (AI) and, more broadly, automation to deliberate planning for joint all-domain command and control (JADC2) for the U.S. Air Force.
The authors found that three primary enabling categories must be aligned to support future multidomain operations: (1) the command and control (C2) construct or how the forces are organized, where the authorities reside, and how they are trained and manned, (2) the data and data infrastructure needed to leverage data for C2, and (3) the tools, applications, and algorithms that leverage the data to C2 all-domain forces to include AI algorithms.
Moving to a modernized JADC2 requires various stakeholders to collaborate to set policy, guidance, tactics, techniques, procedures, training and exercising, infrastructure, and tools, likely leveraging AI, to operationalize concepts.
The research reported here was commissioned by Air Combat Command A5/8/9 and conducted by the Force Modernization and Employment Program within RAND Project AIR FORCE.
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