Ryan K. McBain

Ryan K. McBain

Senior Policy Researcher; Adjunct Professor of Policy Analysis, Pardee RAND Graduate School

Ryan K. McBain is a policy researcher at RAND and adjunct professor of policy analysis at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. He focuses on the design and evaluation of health policies and programs meant to reach vulnerable populations—including those coping with mental health conditions, HIV/AIDS, homelessness, and poverty. To achieve this, McBain has utilized a wide range of methodologies, including econometric approaches for quasi-experimental analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and decision analytic models, as well as key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Internationally, McBain has worked with the World Bank, World Health Organization, Harvard University and Partners In Health, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti. McBain holds a D.Sc. and M.Sc. in global health with concentrations in health economics and policy analysis from Harvard University, as well as a B.A. in psychology from Gordon College and Oxford University in the United Kingdom.


D.Sc. in global health, Harvard University; M.Sc. in global health, Harvard University; B.A. in psychology, Oxford University; B.A. in psychology, Gordon College


English; French

Selected Work

  • McBain R, Eberhart N, Breslau J, Frank L, Burnam A, Kareddy V, Simmons M. , How to transform the U.S. mental health system: 15 evidence-based recommendations, , 2021
  • McBain R, Rose AJ, LaRochelle MR, "The U.S. opioid crisis: one disease, diverging tales," Preventive Medicine, 112, 2018
  • McBain R, Ashwood JS, Eberhart N, Montemayor C, Azhar GS., Evaluating cost savings associated with Los Angeles County's mental health full service partnerships, RAND, 2018
  • McBain R, Peterson L, Mahon N, Dully L, Noel B, Wroe E., "Impact and economic evaluation of a novel HIV service delivery model in rural Malawi," AIDS, 131, 2017
  • McBain R, Jerome G, Warsh J, Browning M, Mistry B, Faure P, Pierre C, Mugunga JC, Rhatigan J, Leandre F, Kaplan R., "Rethinking the cost of healthcare in low-resource settings," BMJ Global Health, 1, 2016
  • McBain R, Cantor J, Eberhart N., "Estimating psychiatric bed shortages in the U.S. ," JAMA Psychiatry, 2022
  • McBain R, Wickett E, Mugunga J, Beste J, Konwloh P, Mukherjee J, "The post-Ebola baby boom: a call for health systems strengthening.," Lancet, 388, 2016
  • McBain R, Cantor J, Bravata D, Whaley C., "Mental health service utlization rates among commercially insured adults in the US during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic," JAMA Health Forum, 59, 2023

Authored by Ryan K. McBain

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